My Island Morning

来源 :第二课堂(英语版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vera_00
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  It’s Monday morning and like every Monday since I can remember, I awake to the same sounds that I fell asleep to: the soft “shush, shush” of the sea as the edge of the ocean kisses the sandy shore of my island home in The Bahamas. As always, I don’t need an alarm clock to tell me to wake up. Even though it’s before sunrise, all I need is the gentle song of the ocean, the sound of the morning birds outside my window, and the delicious smell of breakfast that slowly makes its way from the kitchen to my bedroom and into my dreams, enticing me to wake.
  I put on my shorts and a T-shirt and step outside into the cool, crisp morning air to go for a run along the beach. It’s still dark outside, but by now, the sky has let go of its inky black night color and is wearing a gentle blue grey shawl that is barely dark enough for me to still see a few stars sprinkled along its surface. As I move along the beach, my feet sink into the sugar-like sand. I enjoy running along the spot on the beach that’s just between totally dry and loose and completely wet and compact. The in-between sand is just the right texture to allow my feet to sink slightly as I run and give my legs a good workout along the shoreline. I am so thankful at this moment. Thankful to call this beautiful place home, and thankful for my dreams that one day I will run in places exotic and far and meet new and interesting people along the way.
  shush n. 嘘声
  Bahamas n. 巴哈马(国家)
  entice v. 吸引,引诱
  shawl n. 头巾,围巾
  sprinkle v. 洒,喷撒
  texture n. 纹理
  (Do you like the beautiful beach sights as described by the author?)郭 婕 改编
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