Mechanism of production increasing of coalbed gas for the pinnate horizontal well and sensitivity ef

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The mechanism of production increasing for the pinnate horizontal well is analyzed with the simulation technique. It is pointed out that the whole horizontal well-bore spreading widely and evenly in coal layers makes the stratum pressure drop evenly and fast, which increases the chance of desorption and diffusion and area controlled. This is the basic reason that the pinnate horizontal well can increase production. How such stratum parameters as permeability, Langmuir constants and adsorption time constant affect the gas production for the pinnate horizontal well is also studied with numerical simulations. Either for the vertical well or the pinnate horizontal well, bigger stratum permeability, steeper relative permeability curve, smaller residual gas saturation, higher gas content and stratum pressure are more favorable for gas production increasing. Langmuir constants decide the change of desorption quantity and influence the gas production through changing the extent of steep of isothermal adsorption curves in the pressure dropping area. The adsorption time constant only influences the time that gas production arrives at the maximum value for the vertical well, but it almost has no influence on the gas production for the pinnate horizontal well because the equivalent adsorption time constant is reduced. The mechanism of production increasing for the pinnate horizontal well is analyzed with the simulation technique. It is pointed out that the whole horizontal well-bore spreading widely and evenly in coal layers makes the stratum pressure drop evenly and fast, which increases the chance of desorption This is the basic reason that the pinnate horizontal well can increase production. How such stratum parameters as permeability, Langmuir constants and adsorption time constant affect the gas production for the pinnate horizontal well is also studied with numerical simulations. Either for the vertical well or the pinnate horizontal well, bigger stratum permeability, steeper relative permeability curve, smaller residual gas saturation, higher gas content and stratum pressure are more favorable for gas production increasing. Langmuir constants decide the change of desorption quantity and influence the gas production through changing the extent of steep of iso thermal adsorption curves in the pressure dropping area. The adsorption time constant only influences the time that that gas production arrives at the maximum value for the vertical well, but it almost has no influence on the gas production for the pinnate horizontal well because the equivalent adsorption time constant is reduced.
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采用Dynaform软件 ,对抛物面零件拉延的成形过程进行了数值模拟 ,研究了不同凹模圆角对成形件应力、应变及尺寸精度的影响 Dynaform software is used to simulate the form
施一民 ,男 ,1 942年生 ,浙江鄞县人。 1 96 4年毕业于武汉测绘学院工程测量系 ,1 981年研究生毕业于同济大学大地测量专业 ,1 982年由中科院授予理学硕士学位。1 986~ 1 987
原我院戏文系教授、著名戏剧专家孙家同志 ,因心脏病突发 ,经抢救无效 ,于 2 0 0 1年 1 2月 2 2日 6∶4 0分在北京逝世 ,享年 86岁。遵照孙家同志的遗愿及家属意见 ,丧事
根据流量调节阀气室盖零件的结构特征 ,选择合适的成形方法 ,讨论了在制定液态模锻工艺参数时应考虑的问题以及模具设计时应注意的一些事项 According to the structural ch