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依纪依法严惩腐败分子是反腐败的重要手段,也是检验反腐败斗争成效的重要标志。反腐保廉惩处机制就是通过对腐败行为实行事后的处置,加大腐败分子腐败的成本和风险,以斩断腐败贪欲,破灭腐败希望,从而达到抑制腐败动机、预防腐败行为的发生。1993年以来,党和国家出台了一系列规定和制度,惩治和预防腐败体系已逐步建立和完善,惩处工作基本做到了有章可循,惩处机制在反腐保廉中的作用日益显现。但在当前反腐和保廉形势比较严峻的情况下,惩治腐败工作与群众的期望,与实际存在的腐败问题相比,仍有很大差距。省纪委政策法规研究室经过深入调研和系统分析,撰写了《反腐保廉惩处机制建设研究》一文,这对亟待完善“打击到位、惩处严厉、多种处罚措施综合运用的反腐保廉惩处机制”是大有益处的。因此,特发此文,供同志们学习参考。 Punishing corrupt elements according to the law and discipline is an important measure against corruption and an important indicator of the effectiveness of the anti-corruption struggle. The anti-corruption and punitive sanction mechanism is to exacerbate the corruption and the costs and risks of corrupt elements by post-disposition of corruption so as to cut off the greed of corruption and destroy the hope of corruption so as to curb the motivation of corruption and prevent corruption. Since 1993, the party and the state have promulgated a series of rules and systems. The system of punishing and preventing corruption has been gradually established and improved. The punishment has basically followed the rules. The role of the punishment mechanism in fighting corruption and protecting the poor has become increasingly apparent. However, under the current grim situation of fighting against corruption and keeping corruption, there is still a long way to go to punish the expectations of corruption and the masses in comparison with the problems of corruption that actually exist. After thorough investigation and systematic analysis, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection Policy and Law Department wrote an article entitled “Studies on the Construction of Anti-Corruption and Punishment Punishment Mechanism”, which urgently needs to improve the “anti-corruption and punitive punishment mechanism for combating corruption, punishing severely and using a variety of punitive measures” It is good for you. Therefore, the idioms of this article, for comrades to learn for reference.
1、可燃物动力学系统成灾机理研究典型可燃物确定性动力学系统解的结构、稳定性变化和突变机理 ,获得对控制火灾的热传导、热对流、热辐射、可燃物热解、质量输运和着火过程
本文根据作者在南京大学中德法学研究所所做的报告整理而成。全文分为六个部分,介绍了德国能源管制的历史和现状,并对德国能源管制的未来进行了展望。 This article is base