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为弘扬交通通信职工的无私奉献精神,树立为交通运输事业提供优质通信服务的先进典型,表彰在本岗位上做出突出贡献和成绩的先进单位、先进个人,以激励广大职工爱岗敬业,促进交通通信事业健康发展,交通部决定在1999年开展每两年一次的评选、表彰全国交通系统通信服务先进单位(集体)、先进个人的工作。 In order to promote the dedication and dedication of employees in communications and communications and establish an advanced model of providing quality communications services for the transportation industry, we will honor advanced units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions and achievements in this position. With the healthy development of transportation and communications, the Ministry of Communications decided to conduct a biannual selection in 1999 in recognition of the work of the advanced units (collectives) and advanced individuals in the communications system in the country.
为备战第14届亚运会以及加强中日游泳界之间的交流 ,中国游泳小组一行4人于6月10日至17日赴日本东京 ,对日本全国游泳锦标赛暨2002年泛太平洋游泳比赛及第14届亚运会选拔赛进行调研 ,有关情
山东省水利厅、山东省引黄济青工程管理局: 值此引黄济青工程通水10周年之际,谨向你们表示热烈的祝贺,并向全体干部职工表示亲切的慰问! 10年来,你们精心调度,科学管理,艰苦
1990年4月18日,党中央、国务院宣布开发开放浦东,这标志着我国的改革开放进入了一个新的发展阶段。转眼1 3年了,浦东己成为上海现代化建设的缩影,中国改革开放的象征,世界经
AIM:To study the expression of a disintegrin andmetalloproteinase 17 (ADAM17) mRNA in hepatocellularcarcinoma (HCC) and to evaluate the relationship betweenADA
集科技交流、经贸洽谈、工作会议于一体的大型行业活动 Set science and technology exchange, economic and trade talks, working conference in one of the major indust
我国即将加入世贸组织 ,本文介绍了发展中国家在世贸组织中的权力与应享受的优惠 ,供有关各界参政。 As China is about to join the WTO, this article introduces the pow
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。新年寄语$模具制造杂志社!社长@谭超武 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view prof