Evaluation of cracking potential for concrete arch dam based on simulation feedback analysis

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seacowp
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It is still very difficult for researchers and engineers to implement the simulation analysis including a complete process and a full model with the complicated arch dam and the foundation, and to evaluate the cracking potential in the construction and service periods. To take Xiaowan project of China for an example, a practical system of simulation feedback analysis, a specific cracking criterion, and a resolution for the conflicting requirements of temperature and stress/strain simulation are presented, which are put into a successful practice. The simulation results of temperature, stress, and cracking are identical well with the monitor data. A modified temperature control measure is propounded, and the significant effect is gained by adopting the new scheme. It is still very difficult for researchers and engineers to implement the simulation analysis including a complete process and a full model with the complicated arch dam and the foundation, and to evaluate the cracking potential in the construction and service periods. To take Xiaowan project of China for an example, a practical system of simulation feedback analysis, a specific cracking criterion, and a resolution for the conflicting requirements of temperature and stress / strain simulation are presented, which are put into a successful practice. The simulation results of temperature, stress, and cracking are identical well with the monitor data. A modified temperature control measure is propounded, and the significant effect is gained by adopting the new scheme.
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