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沈阳至抚顺(南杂木)高速公路是辽宁省“一网、两环、六射”公路主骨架的重要组成部分,是辽宁与吉林重要省际通道,是辽宁省“十五”期间重点基础设施建设项目。该项目的建设不但可以解决202国道目前交通拥塞问题,而且对促进辽宁的经济增长,振兴东北老工业基地,带动相关产业的调整、发展,具有十分重要的意义。沈抚高速公路全长75.8km,路线起自抚顺南杂木镇,止于沈阳英达乡,与沈阳绕城高速公路相接。全线除高湾至终点段约16km按6车道规划预留改扩建条件外,其余均按双向4车道高速公路标准进行设计,路基宽26m,设计时速100km,桥涵设计荷载:汽车-超20,挂车-120,路基、大中小桥及涵洞设计洪水频率均为1/100。项目批复投资概算为25.7亿元。沈抚高速公路于2004年8月开工,计划2006年10月建成通车。路基主要工程量为:挖方955万立方米;填方926万立方米;大桥14座,中小桥19座,通道桥42座,分离式立交桥34座,隧道2座。沈抚高速公路地处山岭重丘区,沿途经过大伙房水库和棋盘山风景区,在开工晚、征地动迁干扰大、今年降雨频繁等诸多不利因素影响下,如何做到既保证工程质量和工期,又要作到保护环境、达到人与自然的和谐,这就对我们的工作提出了更高的要求,即现代化的项目建设管理,不但要有现代的理念,而且管理方法要科学先进。对此,我们本着坚持质量第一的原则和实行规范化管理的理念,统一思想,统一认识。抓根本、抓实质、抓责任、抓落实,健全机制、完善体系、制定办法、规范行为,为争创“设计一流、施工一流、质量一流、管理一流、景观一流”的建设目标而努力。 Shenyang to Fushun (South Zamu) Expressway is an important part of the main network of “one network, two rings and six shots” in Liaoning Province and an important interprovincial passageway between Liaoning and Jilin, and is the key foundation of Liaoning Province during the “Tenth Five-year Plan” Facilities construction project. The construction of this project not only can solve the current traffic congestion problem of State Road 202, but also has great significance for promoting Liaoning’s economic growth, rejuvenating the northeast old industrial base and driving the adjustment and development of related industries. Shen Fu highway full length 75.8km, the route from Fushun South Zha Mu town, ending in Shenyang Yingda Township, and Shenyang Ring Expressway phase. All lines except Gaoyan to the terminal section of about 16km According to the 6-lane plan for the expansion and reconstruction conditions, the rest are designed according to the bidirectional 4-lane expressway standard, the roadbed is 26m wide, designed speed of 100km, bridges and culverts designed load: car - over 20, trailer -120, embankment, medium, small bridges and culverts design flood frequency is 1/100. Project approval investment estimate of 2.57 billion yuan. Shen-Fu Expressway started in August 2004 and is scheduled to be opened to traffic in October 2006. The main subgrade engineering volume is 9.55 million cubic meters of excavation, 9.26 million cubic meters of filling area, 14 bridges, 19 medium and small bridges, 42 access bridges, 34 overpasses and 2 tunnels. Shen-Fu Expressway is located in the mountainous heavy hilly area and passes through the Dahuofang Reservoir and Qipanshan Scenic Area along the way. Under the influence of many unfavorable factors such as the late start of construction, the large disturbance of land acquisition and relocation and the frequent rainfall this year, how to ensure the project quality and duration , But also to protect the environment and achieve the harmony between man and nature. This puts forward higher requirements for our work. That is, modern project construction and management not only have modern concepts but also scientific and advanced management methods. In response, we adhere to the principle of “quality first” and the concept of standardized management, and unify our thinking and unify our understanding. We will work hard to achieve the construction goal of “first-class design, first-class construction, first-class quality, first-class management, first-class landscape” by grasping fundamentals, grasping responsibility, grasping implementation, perfecting mechanism, improving system, formulating measures and standardizing behaviors.
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