Clonal propagation of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) by stem cutting from mature stockplants

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuper
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The study describes the scope of clonal propagation of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) by stem cutting collected from mature stockplants. Cuttings were treated with 0, 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.8% IBA solution and rooted in the non-mist propagator. Rooted cuttings were allowed to grow in the polybags filled with soil and cow-dung mixed in the ratio of 3: 1 (by volume) for three months to assess the steckling capacity and initial growth performance. The study reveals that the species is amenable for clonal propagation by mature stem cutting. The highest rooting percentage (60%) was observed in the cuttings treated with 0.4% IBA solution followed by 0.2% IBA and the lowest was in controlled cuttings. The maximum number of primary root (32.7) was developed in the cuttings treated with 0.8% IBA solution followed by 0.4% IBA and the lowest was in the cuttings without IBA treatment. The highest survival percentage (70.9) was observed in the cuttings rooted with 0.4% IBA treatment and the lowest (58.3) was in the cuttings without any treatment. However, there was no significant variation in height growth of cutlings due to IBA treatments in rooting. The study describes the scope of clonal propagation of guava (Psidium guajava Linn.) By stem cutting collected from mature stockplants. Cuttings were treated with 0, 0.2%, 0.4% and 0.8% IBA solution and rooted in the non-mist propagator. Rooted cuttings were allowed to grow in the polybags filled with soil and cow-dung mixed in the ratio of 3: 1 (by volume) for three months to assess the steckling capacity and initial growth performance. The study reveals that the species is amenable for clonal The highest rooting percentage (60%) was observed in the cuttings treated with 0.4% IBA solution followed by 0.2% IBA and the lowest was in controlled cuttings. The maximum number of primary root (32.7) was developed in the cuttings treated with 0.8% IBA solution followed by 0.4% IBA and the lowest was in the cuttings without IBA treatment. The highest survival percentage (70.9) was observed in the cuttings rooted with 0.4% IBA treatment and the lowest (58.3) was in the cuttings without any treatment. However, there was no significant variation in height growth of cutlings due to IBA treatments in rooting.
刘好运半夜醒来十多回,每回都是刚刚有点睡意,就猛乍惊醒,拾起身,瞅着墙上钟表指针的摆动,长一声短一声地叹气。  刘好运一晚上约莫去了十来趟厨房,一惊醒就会又去,然后端起案板上大铁盆里的面汤,灌下几大口,就这样来来回回将面汤喝得一滴不剩。他的肚子胀起来,像孕妇样。身体里的水已经渗到了肉皮底下,与血液交汇,上至头顶下到脚底,整个皮囊鼓鼓的,沉甸甸的,像是被注了水等待宰杀的牲口。  折腾了一阵子,刘好运