
来源 :牡丹 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anlanyuan
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一个个打麦场其实就是散落在村落和田野之间的一块块空地。麦收前,三五家凑在一起就为打麦场做准备。在村外找一片有风的地方,用农具划破土层,碾轧成面粉一样细密的绒土。这道工序叫磨场。然后是泼场,一家老小齐上阵,均匀地洒水,覆上麦草,让表层的绒土在阴凉中被水分浸透。趁着不湿也不干,套上牲口或者用拖拉机,拉着石磙在上面碾轧。最后除去麦草,呈现一层坚硬的皮层,像镜面一样光滑平坦,打麦场就算大功告 One by one hit the field is actually scattered in the villages and fields between a piece of open space. Before the harvest of wheat, three or five together in order to fight the wheat field to prepare. Outside the village to find a windy place, cut the soil with farm tools, rolled into fine flour like velvet. This procedure called mill ground. Then a splash field, an old man Qi battle, evenly sprinkle water, covered with wheat straw, so that the surface of the velvet in the shade was saturated with water. Taking advantage of not wet nor dry, put on the animals or tractors, pulling stone grind rolling above. Finally remove the straw, showing a hard layer of cortex, as smooth and mirror-like, hit the wheat field even if you’re done
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