
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyueying
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1991年,军区先后组派216支医疗队、1500余人,奔赴苏皖浙沪三省一市灾区参加救灾防病医疗工作,检验和锻炼了我区部队卫勤保障能力,展不了卫勤保障的成果,对进一步加强卫勤保障建设提供了许多有益的启示。一、军政首长高度重视是做好救灾防病工作的关键抗洪救灾伊始,军区首长就明确提出了卫勤保障要坚持“预防为主,防治结合”的原则,逐步把卫勤保障的重点转移到防止和限制灾后疫情的发生和蔓延上来,使各级卫勤领导较早地树立了“抗大灾,防大疫”的意识,并相应做好人员、物资、器材准备,采取切实可行的对策。各级卫勤机关一方面要向领导宣传,讲清加强卫勤保障建设与增强部队战斗力之间的直接、密切关系,努力使军政首长对卫 In 1991, the military region dispatched 216 medical teams and more than 1,500 troops to the affected areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Zhejiang provinces and one city to participate in disaster relief and disease prevention and treatment work, tested and tempered the capabilities of military support in our area, and failed to show the results of medical support , Which provide many beneficial enlightenments for further strengthening the construction of medical support. First, the military and government leaders attach great importance to disaster relief and prevention work is the key to flood relief At the beginning of the military heads of the military made it clear that the medical support should adhere to the principle of “prevention first, combination of prevention and treatment”, and gradually focus on medical support Transferred to prevent and limit the outbreak and spread of post-disaster epidemic, so that leaders of medical service at all levels earlier established the awareness of “preventing catastrophes and preventing epidemics” and correspondingly prepared personnel, materials and equipment to take Practical countermeasures. The medical service agencies at all levels should publicize to the leaders on the one hand and clarify the direct and close relationship between strengthening the construction of medical service support and enhancing the combat effectiveness of the armed forces and strive to make the leaders of the military and government leaders
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实验是高中物理教学的重点也是难点,也是考试中易错点,只有加强实验教学,增强实验教学效果,怎样进行实验教学,才能取得突破这一难关呢?  笔者在平时的实验教学中,发现好多教师一般遵循这样的方式,先在教室里讲解实验原理、实验步骤、实验注意事项,然后再做一个实验演示,最后让学生到实验室去做,写出实验报告,在几年的教学中,发现学生在这种模式下掌握的实验效果很差,出现了以下症状:上课听的没劲,去做实验时非常高
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