Influence of Ectomycorrhizal Fungi on Absorption and Balance of Essential Elements of Pinus tabulaef

来源 :Pedosphere | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yyuan
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Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings were grown under a factorial design to measure biomass accumulation and P, Na and K concentrations of plants, with 3 different ectomycorrhizal fungus (EMF) strains (Boletus edulis, Xerocomus chrysenteron and Gomphidius viscidus) and two P treatments (with or without extra P). Growth and mineral nutrition of pine seedlings were stimulated by three EMF under salinity stress. Na concentrations were changed and plant K and P concentrations were increased significantly by EMF. Adding extra P made no difference in accumulation of seedlings biomass, and did not assist element absorption of plants. Although three strains of EMF can all enhance the tolerance of pine seedlings to salinity stress, they may utilize different mechanisms because of different performance in absorption of elements. The increased P and K accumulation and the balance of ion concentrations might be due to the enhanced tolerance of EMF-inoculated plants to saline conditions. Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings were grown under a factorial design to measure biomass accumulation and P, Na and K concentrations of plants, with 3 different ectomycorrhizal fungus (EMF) strains (Boletus edulis, Xerocomus chrysenteron and Gomphidius viscidus) and two P treatments (with or without extra P). Growth and mineral nutrition of pine seedlings were stimulated by three EMF under salinity stress. Na concentrations were changed and plant K and P concentrations were increased significantly significantly by EMF. Adding extra P made no difference in accumulation of seedlings biomass, and did not assist element absorption of plants. Although three of the increase of tolerance of pine seedlings to salinity stress, they may utilize different mechanisms because of different performance in absorption of elements. The increased P and K accumulation and the balance of ion concentrations might be due to the enhanced tolerance of EMF-inoculated plants to saline conditions.
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