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“假如不幸的话,云儿就送你了。盼教以踏着父母之足迹,以建设新中国为志,为共产主义革命事业奋斗到底。孩子们绝不要娇养,粗茶淡饭足矣!” 这是烈士江竹筠(江姐)英勇就义前写给弟弟遗信中的话。 这封极其珍贵的遗信,是如何从戒备森严的人间魔窟渣滓洞里带出来的呢? 渣滓洞准尉看守黄茂才,20岁多一点,出生贫苦人家。一天,他到各室查房,难友陈作义趁机与他攀谈,问:“你家每年能收多少石租呢?”黄茂才一声长叹,情不自禁地谈出了他家祖孙三代惨遭地主剥削的往事,说着说着,泪花直在眼里打转。 事后,陈作仪把黄茂才的情况向难友们作了通报。不论是共产党员或其他难友,都想方设法和他接近,问长问短,闲话家常。 江竹筠、曾紫霞主动提出为黄打毛衣,并找机会和他交谈,联络感情。江竹筠特意给他写了一张小纸条:“小黄,你还年轻,但你总该晓得,这种社会制度太不合理,所以共产党要领导人民起来当家作主。 “If you are unlucky, Yun-yi will send you .He hopes to follow the footsteps of his parents and build a new China as the goal, and strive for the communist revolutionary cause in the end.” Children should not be pampered, Jiang Zhuyun (Jiang sister) wrote to his brother before the heroic letter of remembrance in the words. How can this extremely precious legacy be brought out of the well-guarded Zigong Mud Cave? Zhaoshuodang Warrant Officer Huang Maucai, a little more than 20 years old, was born poor. One day, he went to each room rounds, Chen Zuoyi friend Chen took the opportunity to talk to him and asked: “How much rent can your house rent it?” Huang Maocai soon sighed, could not help but talked about his hometown of his ancestors was exploited by the landlord, Talking, tears straight in the eyes spinning. Afterwards, Chen Zuoyi made a notification to Huang Youcai about his situation. Whether Communists or other difficult friends, all find ways to approach him, asking questions, gossip. Jiang Zhuyun, Zeng Zixia initiative to put on a yellow sweater, and find the opportunity to talk to him, contact feelings. Jiang Zhuyun deliberately wrote him a note: “Xiao Huang, you are young, but you should always know that this social system is too unreasonable. Therefore, the Communist Party must lead the people to become masters of their own affairs.”
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楔子 1947年春,国共逐鹿神州,烽烟炽燃齐鲁。蒋介石调兵换将,45万国民党军涌入山东战场。陈毅率华东解放军退入沂蒙山,牵着敌军忽南忽北东出西进如耍龙灯。俗话说,日久生怠