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青岛海洋大学化学教授王恕昌的大名在中国环保界名闻遐迩。他所完成的两项攻关课题——“废水再生回用”和“用废弃物制建材”均属国际首例,并先后通过了国家“七五”攻关项目专家鉴定和山东省省级专家鉴定。此次有机会前去采访,才知果然名不虚传。一走进青岛海洋大学工业水回用技术研究所,我的眼睛立刻变得缭乱起来:逼真的仿大理石砖古朴凝重;做工精细的贴面砖别具一格;还有造型新颖的人行路面砖以及闪闪发光的现代派红花砖,真是美不胜收。要不是王教授解释说这便是他所攻关的课题之一,我真不敢相信眼前这些精美的砖石是用污泥、煤碴等废弃物制成的。我又参观了另一项课题——治理污水工程的图片和模型,并亲眼看到盛在烧杯里的污水经过如此处理之后变得晶莹剔透。王教援说前不久,一位美国朋友来参观时说,他花70元人民币就能净化一吨污水使其达到食用标准,王教授听后笑了笑,伸出三个手指一撮,“我只需花7元钱就能做到。” The famous name of Wang Shuchang, a professor of chemistry at Qingdao Ocean University, is famous in China’s environmental protection community. He has completed two key research topics - “wastewater recycling ” and “building materials with waste ” are the first in the world, and has adopted the national “75 ” research project expert identification and Shandong Provincial expert appraisal. The opportunity to go before the interview, I realized really deserved reputation. As soon as I entered the Institute of Industrial Water Reuse Technology at Qingdao Ocean University, my eyes immediately dazzled: the realistic imitation of marble tiles, the elaborate veneer tiles, the stylish pavement tiles and the sparkling Modernist safflower bricks, it is beautiful. Professor Wang explained that this is one of the subjects he has tackled. I can not believe that these exquisite bricks are made of sludge, coal ballast and other wastes. I visited another topic - the pictures and models of sewage works, and I saw with my own eyes that the sewage in the beakers became crystal clear after being treated like this. Not long ago, Wang Jiao aid said when an American friend visited to say he could purify a ton of sewage to reach the standard of food consumption by spending 70 yuan. Professor Wang smiled after he listened and extended a handful of three fingers. “I can do it for just $ 7.”
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高中及中专是人生在生理上、心理上渐趋成熟的阶段 ,也是心理、生理变化最剧烈的阶段 ,特别在毕业前夕更易出现心理矛盾和冲突。本文应用明尼苏达多相个性测量表 (MMPI)进行调查
An analysis of the present and of the future of the re-fractories industry if being presented, considering some im-portant technical,economical, human and envi