Experimental study on stemming effect in rock blasting

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongbeiljb
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Based on the blasting theory and stress wave theory,stemming mechanism and movement of stemmed material in rock blasting were analyzed and the calculation expression of stemming lengths was deduced.The blasting experiment with different stemming lengths was carried out and the results show that the theoretical stemming length,which is 0.73~0.8 time of burden,is in the range of the experiential length,which is 0.63~0.88 time of burden.The blasting results of field experiments with theoretical stemming length are satisfactory,which shows the theoretical derivation and analysis are correct and reliable.The results will supply rock blasting with the theoretical gist of parameters design. Based on the blasting theory and stress wave theory, stemming mechanism and movement of stemmed material in rock blasting were analyzed and the calculation expression of stemming lengths was deduced. The blasting experiment with different stemming lengths was carried out and the results show that the theoretical stemming length, which is 0.73 ~ 0.8 time of burden, is in the range of the experiential length, which is 0.63 ~ 0.88 time of burden. blasting results of field experiments with theoretical stemming length are satisfactory, which shows the theoretical derivation and analysis are correct and reliable.The results will supply rock blasting with the theoretical gist of parameters design.
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