Processing Research on Shaping Porous 316L Stainless Steel via SLS

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angella_dj
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The principles of selective laser sintering (SLS) were applied in this experiment .The influence of laser power, scan distance, scan speed and other processing parameters of fiber laser on the pore properties, elastic modulus, and micro morphology, etc were investigated in this paper. Tests were conducted on 316L stainless steel powder. The results showed that porous metal material that meets the requirements of porous bionic human bone material (porosity of 33.4%-37.8%, average pore radius of 94.2-178 μm, elastic modulus of 7.43-12.76 GPa, nearly spherical regular pore) can be produced when sintered at 90-100 W laser power, with a scan speed of 21-23 mm/s and scan distance of 0.165 mm. The principles of selective laser sintering (SLS) were applied in this experiment. The influence of laser power, scan distance, scan speed and other processing parameters of fiber laser on the pore properties, elastic modulus, and micro morphology, etc were investigated in this paper. Tests were conducted on 316L stainless steel powder. The results showed that porous metal material that meets the requirements of porous bionic human bone material (porosity of 33.4% -37.8%, average pore radius of 94.2-178 μm, elastic modulus of 7.43 -12.76 GPa, nearly spherical regular pore) can be produced when sintered at 90-100 W laser power, with a scan speed of 21-23 mm / s and scan distance of 0.165 mm.
1 纪念毛泽东关于西医学习中医批示四十周年大会:(1)纪念大会;(2)全体理事会议;(3)1998年度学会工作会议(在全国理事范围内征文)。10月,北京;截稿:1998年5月30日;征文送交:北京市东直门内北新仓18号中国中西医结
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