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武汉中华奇石馆位于武汉市汉阳区翠微路61号,毗邻归元古刹,北倚古琴台,西接墨水湖,风景秀丽,环境优雅。全馆占地面积6700 m~2,展馆面积5000 m~2。经过近20年的摸索、创新,武汉中华奇石馆已发展成为一座集奇石、化石、矿物晶体等、融观赏性、科学性、知识性、趣味性于一体的具有明清建筑风格的大型综合展馆。 Located in No. 61 Cuiwei Road, Hanyang District, Wuhan, China Zhongshi is adjacent to the ancient temple of Guiyuan, north to Guqintai, and to the west by Ink Lake. The scenery is beautiful and the environment is elegant. The whole museum covers an area of ​​6700 m ~ 2, the exhibition area of ​​5000 m ~ 2. After nearly 20 years of exploration and innovation, the Wuhan China Stone Hall has developed into a large-scale integrated exhibition featuring architectural styles of Ming and Qing dynasties, including ornamental stones, fossils and mineral crystals, which combine ornamental, scientific, informative and interesting features. Hall.
  目的 研究第一恒磨牙在生长发育过程中倾斜角度的变化,为牙体发育的研究提供基础资料,为咬合诱导和错合畸形的研究提供参考资料。方法 选择3-7岁组儿童各组100名(男女各半)
Yang Xiaoyang,Dean of China’s National Art Gallery,grew up in the famous ancient city of Xi’an.This is why his portrait eries is infused with obvious traces o
  目的 研究哈尔滨地区40例乳前牙反(牙合)与40例正常乳牙(牙合)儿童的X线牙颌面形态特征。方法 随机抽样选取40例哈尔滨地区正常乳牙(牙合)儿童和40例乳前牙反(牙合)儿童
  区域性牙发育不良(Regional odontodysplasia,RO)是一种非常罕见的牙齿发育异常,可涉及乳、恒牙列.最常见的是累及四分之一象限内的牙齿.临床特点釉质、牙本质形成不全、
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.