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1913年3月20日,宋教仁先生在上海被袁世凯派人暗刺,今年3月19日,民革上海市委、上海中山学社、上海黄埔同学会联合举行纪念宋教仁先生遇难90周年座谈会。座谈会由上海中山学社常务副社长马克烈主持。民革上海市委副主委项斯文首先致辞,上海黄埔同学会会长、辛亥先贤李烈钧将军哲嗣赣驹作了关于李将军同宋教仁革命交谊的讲话。与会专家学者以崇敬的心情,在发言中缅怀宋教仁革命奋斗的一生。宋教仁先生孙女、湖南省桃源县政协副主席宋奇璋女士以78岁高龄应邀从家乡专程来上海出席座谈会,在发言中感谢上海方面组织这次纪念活动和对她的邀请。她回溯宋教仁先生的生平,并深情地说:今天的上海和我祖父主持《民立报》笔政时的上海有天壤之别,我为祖国的富强昌盛和上海的繁荣兴旺而由衷高兴和感动。 On March 20, 1913, Mr. Song Jiaoren was assassinated by Yuan Shikai in Shanghai. On March 19 this year, the People’s Revolutionary Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Shanghai Zhongshan Society and Shanghai Huangpu Students Association jointly held the 90th anniversary of the death of Mr. Song Jiao-ren forum. Symposium by Shanghai Zhongshan Society executive vice president Mark Lieu presided over. Deputy Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government made a speech first, and the speech was made by General Si Lie Si Gan, president of the Shanghai Huangpu Association and General Li Liejun of the Revolutionary Revolution, about the revolutionary friendship between General Li and Song Jiao-ren. The participating experts and scholars expressed their respect for the memory of Song Jiaoren’s revolution and struggle in his speech. Song Jiaoren granddaughter and Song Qizhang, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee of Taoyuan County in Hunan Province, were invited to come to Shanghai for a special visit to Shanghai by their 78-year-old age. In their speech, they thanked Shanghai for organizing this commemorative event and her invitation. She traced the life of Mr. Song Jiao-ren and said with deep feeling: Today, Shanghai and my grandfather took the lead in hosting the “People’s Daily” at the time of the pen and politics politics. There was a great difference between Shanghai and Shanghai. I am very happy for the prosperity of the motherland and the prosperity of Shanghai. And touched.
美国陆军高层领导人指出,尽管军费紧缩及军品供应厂商减少,陆军仍努力以实现专门的技术目标来推进应用先进技术的装甲武器系统的发展。 为了部分地抵消不利影响因素,陆军目
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The authors conduct a textual research on the internal layout of the wards of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty and challenge the existing hypotheses and the conject