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日前,本刊从有关权威部门获悉,2005年黑龙江省森工总局主要经济指标产业总产值计划为159亿元,完成164亿元,完成年计划的103%,比2004年多完成12.2亿元,同比增长7.7%。全行业亏损4632万元,比上年减少亏损1711万元,减亏27%。以上成绩的取得,使林区社会更加稳定,各项管理基本步入正轨;同时,也使其改革的脚步越来越注重实效,从而使森工总局的党风、政风、社会风气都有了明显好转,实事求是的风气进一步得到弘扬。干部队伍,特别是领导干部队伍相对稳定,临时观念和短期行为越来越少。与此同时,在经济十分困难的情况下,黑龙江省森工总局还为林区职工和机关干部提高了工资,使大部分职工收入有所增加,生活水平有了一定的改善。然而,这些成绩是怎么取得的,未来的龙江森工将如何发展,在社会主义新农村建设进程中将担当什么样的角色?记者带着这一系列问题走访了黑龙江省森工总局局长刘忠敏,请他就有关问题作了回答和陈述。下面的对话是记者根据录音整理的,现飨读者。 Recently, this magazine learned from relevant authoritative departments that the gross industrial output value of major economic indicators of Heilongjiang Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce in 2005 was 15.9 billion yuan, completed 16.4 billion yuan, completed 103% of the annual plan, 1.222 billion yuan more than in 2004, An increase of 7.7% over the same period of last year. The loss of the whole industry was 46.32 million yuan, a decrease of 17.1 million yuan over the previous year, a reduction of 27%. The above achievements have made the forest community more stable and managed basically on the right track. At the same time, it has also made its pace of reform more and more fruitful. As a result, the work style of the General Administration of Industry and Commerce Obvious improvement, the climate of seeking truth from facts is further promoted. The ranks of cadres, especially leading cadres, are relatively stable with less temporary concepts and short-term behaviors. In the meantime, in a very difficult economic situation, the State Administration of Industry and Commerce in Heilongjiang Province also raised wages for forest workers and government officials, increased the income of most workers and improved their standard of living. However, how these achievements have been made, how will the future Longjiang forest workers develop and what role they will play in the process of building a new socialist countryside? Reporters took this series of questions to visit the director of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce of Heilongjiang Province Liu Zhong Min asked him to answer and make a statement on the relevant issues. The following dialogue is a reporter according to the recording finishing, now 飨 readers.
尽管阿尔及利亚由于伊斯兰势力的抬头致使其国内局势不太稳定,但美国Arco公司仍然决定参加阿尔及利亚Rhourde El Baguel油田的开发工作,与国营Sonatrach碳化氢集团签定了总
1.刺刺扎扎皮皮夹夹 勉勉强强狡猾狡猾2.上边光溜溜下边褶巴巴3.上面大水汪汪 下面大火旺旺4.下边满满当当 上边空空如也5.向上时空荡荡 向下时满堂堂6.挂在墙上凄清、寂寞 拿在手中舒畅
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