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抗日战争爆发后的1940车前后,灭绝人性的日本强盗从天上到地下疯狂地残杀我国人民。以大后方的成都来说,昔日繁华的盐市口、东御街、少城公园(今人民公园)等处的街道、房屋,在敌机狂轰滥炸下纷纷化为灰烬,成百上千的平民百姓被炸死。尤其是在少城公园的假山、楠木林等处,许多尸体被炸得支离破碎,肢体挂在树梢,那惨绝人寰的情景,令人既悲且愤。 Before and after the outbreak of the 1940 War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the human inhumanity of Japanese robbers frantically kills our people from heaven to the ground. To the rear of Chengdu, the streets and houses of the former bustling Yanshikou, Dongyu Street and Shaocheng Park (now People’s Park) have all become ashes under the indiscriminate bombing of enemy planes. Hundreds of Civilians were killed. Especially in the small city park rockery, Phoebe, etc., many bodies were blown fragmented, limbs hanging in the treetops, the tragic scene, it is both sad and angry.
张紫溪,中国书法家协会会员、山东印社社员、山东省书法家协会妇女书法工作委员会委员、青岛市书法家协会理事兼妇女书法工作委员会副主任、青岛市民族宗教艺术家协会 Zhang
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