Study on the production characteristics of 131I and 90Sr isotopes in a molten salt reactor

来源 :核技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sanxin327
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The production of radionuclides 90Sr and 131I in molten salt reactors is an attractive option to address the global shortage of radionuclides. This study evaluated the production characteristics of 90Sr and 131I in a modular molten salt reactor, such as equilibrium time, yield, and cooling time of isotopic impurities. The fuel burn-up of a small modular molten salt reactor was analyzed by the Triton module of the scale program, and the variation in the fission yields of the two nuclides and their precursors with burn-up time. The yield of 131I and 131Te has been increasing during the lifetime. 131I has an equilibrium time of about 40 days, a saturation activity of about 40,300 TBq, and while 131Te takes 250 min to reach equilibrium, the equilibrium activity was about 38,000 TBq. The yields of 90Sr and 90Kr decreased gradually, the equilibrium time of 90Kr was short, and 90Sr could not reach equilibrium. Based on the experimental data of molten salt reactorexperiment, the amount of nuclide migration to the tail gas and the corresponding cooling time of the isotope impuri-ties under different extraction methods were estimated. Using the HF-H2 bubbling method, 3.499105 TBq of 131I can be extracted from molten salt every year, and after 13 days of cooling, the impurity content meets the medical requirements. Using the electric field method, 1296 TBq of 131I can be extracted from the off-gas system (its cooling time is 11 days) and 109 TBq of 90Sr. The yields per unit power for 131I and 90Sr is approximately 1350 TBq/MW and 530 TBq/MW, respectively, which shows that molten salt reactors have a high economic value.
“样子像马蹄,生来不怕泥。外号叫地栗,脆嫩赛过梨。” 这首儿歌讲的是物美价廉的荸荠,它是生长在浅水泥沼里的草本植物,葱一样的绿苗长出地面,泥里边那扁圆形的球茎就是荸
随着秋日天气变凉,不少人早晨赖在床上不想起,但是日本科学家的研究表示:睡懒觉会打乱人的生物钟节律。   科学家解释说,正常的人体内分泌及各种脏器的活动有一定的昼夜规律。这种生物规律调节着人本身的各种生理活动,使人在白天精力充沛,夜里睡眠安稳。如果平时生活较规律而到假期睡懒觉,会扰乱体内生物钟的节律,使内分泌激素出现异常。长时间如此,则会精神不振,情绪低落。  此外,睡懒觉还会影响胃肠道功能。一般早