Study on the Relationship Betweenthe Toxin of Phytophthora infestans(Mont.) de Bary and Resistance o

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ppl_fox
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Plant pathogenic fungi produce mycotoxins which may lead host plants to produce disease symptoms and may have a significant positive role in the course of disease development.The putative Phytophthora infestans toxins were prepared by culturing in liquid medium(60 g rye and 10% tomato juice L-1) for 1 mon at 17℃,filtering through four layers of cheesecloth and being precipitated by ammonium sulfate.The resulted putative toxin solutions were used to study the effects on 3 potato varieties(both leaf and tuber tissues).The results show that potato leaves and tubers exhibit symptoms similar to the late blight resulted from P.infestans infection.Potato varieties reacting differentially to both the toxin dilutions and toxins produced by different P.infestans isolates suggested the presence of toxin-mediated specificities between potato and P.infestans.Potato leaf and tuber tissues have different and contrary reactions to the toxin.Toxin-mediated specificities are likely present between potato and P.infestans. Plant pathogenic fungi produce mycotoxins which may lead host plants to produce disease symptoms and may have a significant positive role in the course of disease development. The putative Phytophthora infestans toxins were prepared by culturing in liquid medium (60 g rye and 10% tomato juice L -1) for 1 mon at 17 ° C, filtering through four layers of cheesecloth and being precipitated by ammonium sulfate. The resulting putative toxin solutions were used to study the effects on 3 potato varieties (both leaf and tuber tissues). The results show that potato leaves and tubers exhibit factors similar to the late blight resulted from P. infestans infection. Photolith to both the toxin dilutions and toxins produced by different P. infestans isolates suggested the presence of toxin-mediated specificities between potato and P. infestans . Potato leaf and tuber tissues have different and contrary reactions to the toxin. Toxin-mediated specificities are likely present between pot ato and P.infestans.
本文综述了近几年介孔材料催化剂的合成原理、合成途径和最佳反应条件。并与传统的催化剂进行了在同样的反应条件下进行了对比。 This review summarizes the synthesis pri
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1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 我们选择的20例患者,20岁以下者1例,21~30岁5例,31~40岁10例,41~50岁4例,其中男18例,女2例。饮酒量每日最少200ml,多时达500ml,平均360ml,饮酒史最短5
例1 男,54岁(住院号232383),有指、趾甲灰色,增厚,残缺20余年,于1995年1月6日在我科门诊确诊为甲癣(甲屑真菌镜检阳性),查肝功能正常,给予口服伊曲康唑200mg,每日2次,服药5天后(共1.0g)出现双下肢浮肿,即停药,1天后浮肿蔓..
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