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悬架是用来支持车身的系统,通过隔离道路干扰使得乘客感觉舒适、并确保车辆稳定.为此研究了全车模型悬架系统在下列几种控制方式下的性能:被动控制、半主动控制、自适应标准可加性模型(SAM)下的主动控制.全车模型可以为车辆悬架系统提供一些必要的性能参数,如车身偏移、车轮偏移和悬架偏斜.乘坐的舒适性和车辆的操控性决定了所需悬架系统的性能.乘坐的舒适性取决于车身偏移和乘客座位的偏移,而车辆的稳定由其他自由度(如俯仰和滚转)决定.半主动和主动悬架控制的设计通过MATLAB/SIMULINK加以实现,充分考虑了不规则的路面,并以此验证半主动控制和SAM主动控制的性能.实验结果表明,SAM主动控制能够改善乘坐的舒适性和车辆的操控性. Suspension is a system used to support the car body, which can make the passengers feel comfortable by isolating the road and ensure the stability of the vehicle.Therefore, the performance of the car model suspension system under the following control modes is studied: passive control, semi-active control , Adaptive control under standard additive model (SAM) The full vehicle model provides some of the necessary performance parameters for vehicle suspension systems such as body offset, wheel offset and suspension skew. And controllability of the vehicle determines the performance of the desired suspension system.The ride comfort is dependent on the body offset and the passenger seat offset and the vehicle stability is determined by other degrees of freedom such as pitch and roll Semi-active And active suspension control design by MATLAB / SIMULINK, taking full account of the irregular road surface, and to verify the semi-active control and SAM active control performance.The experimental results show that SAM active control can improve ride comfort and Vehicle handling.
20 0 3年第 3期制造网络集成平台技术研究                  范玉顺 ,李建强基于知识的CAx集成的系统框架研究倪益华 ,杨将新 ,顾新建 ,吴昭同网络化制造
Microwave-assisted tandem reaction of(Z)-arylvinyl bromides involving an elimination and homocoupling in the presence of DBU and Cul in DMF affords a variety of
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。中国人民大学报刊复印资料2003年以来转载我刊文章目录 Please download to view, this article does not support online acce
<正> 郎世宁(1688—1766年)是一位在清朝宫廷中供职的欧洲传教士画家,自康熙五十四年(1715年)来到中国后,就再也没有回到自己的祖国意大利去。他死后葬于北京阜成门外的传教
目的 研究中年 2型糖尿病 (NIDDM)患者的记忆功能和糖尿病的关系 ,以更有效地教育和治疗患者。方法 对象为中年 (4 0~ 6 0岁 ) NIDDM患者和人口学因素相似的非糖尿病人各 30
探讨子宫内膜息肉在子宫内膜异位症(EMs)妇女中的发病率。183例不孕症妇女中92例腹腔镜证实EMs(实验组,平均年龄30.6±3.9岁),无EMs 91例(对照组,平均年龄30.8±4.6岁)。腹