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中国卫生部近日公布的2006年城乡居民主要死亡原因,恶性肿瘤位列第一。与2005年相比,恶性肿瘤的死亡率及所占比例有所上升,2005年美国癌症学会的统计表明中国人癌症发病率处于世界前列,特别是肝癌、食道癌和胃癌的发病率为世界第一!中国人肝癌的发病率是美国人的八倍,食道癌和胃癌的发病率是美国人的五倍和八倍。众所周知,肝脏是人体内代谢解毒的主要场所,所以肝代谢功能正常才能保证解毒清毒、增加人体抵抗力、抗拒引发癌症的毒物形成。但是肝脏基因弱、肝炎病多、脂肪肝、酒精肝发病率高、环境污染严重、生活习惯不良、健康知识少、保健意识差,这都是导致肝癌高发的原因。脂肪肝、酒精肝患者的肝癌发病率高于正常人150倍!如何指导人们预防肝癌、保护肝脏、延长生命,成为医学研究人员最迫切的任务! Chinese Ministry of Health recently announced the main cause of death of urban and rural residents in 2006, cancer ranked first. Compared with 2005, the mortality rate and the proportion of malignant tumors have increased. According to the statistics of the American Cancer Society in 2005, the incidence of cancer in China ranks forefront in the world. In particular, the incidence of liver cancer, esophageal cancer and gastric cancer is the highest in the world The incidence of liver cancer in China is eight times as high as that in the United States, and the incidence of esophageal and stomach cancer is five and eight times that of Americans. It is well known that the liver is the main site of metabolism and detoxification in the human body. Therefore, normal liver metabolism can ensure detoxification and detoxification, increase human body resistance, and resist the formation of cancer-causing toxicants. However, the liver gene is weak, hepatitis and more, fatty liver, high incidence of alcoholic liver disease, serious environmental pollution, poor living habits, health knowledge, poor health awareness, which are the causes of high incidence of liver cancer. Fatty liver, liver cancer patients with liver cancer incidence of 150 times higher than normal! How to guide people to prevent liver cancer, protect the liver and prolong life, become the most urgent task of medical researchers!
对学生加强思想政治教育,是提高教育质量的一个重要方面,本期发表黎翔凌同志的《精心培养革命接班人》和张成淦同志的《思想品德教育工作的点滴经验》可供参考。 Strengthen
六、体部移床式CT检查概述 (一)颈部 范围 根据需要自颅底至肺尖或至主动脉弓上方。 定位片 256mm,120KW,50-100mA,侧位像。 造影剂 静脉给予,80ml,非离子型优维显,含碘量30
邓小平同志在领导中国社会主义现代化建设中,明确提出了建设有中国特色的社会主义理论。这一理论的确立,是对毛泽东思想的重大发展,极大地丰富了科学社会主义理论。 毛泽东