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Dongguan TAC Science & Technology Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech company limited which is developing rapidly in the field of accreditation and the testing for electronic and electric products, itis mainly engaged i11 testing for the safety of electronic products, electromagnetism compatible design, and global accreditation and consultancy. TAC Science & Technology closely follows up the demands of customers and constantly provides various services; it has won a relatively high reputation in its field, and it is one of the firstaccreditation agents approved by China National Certification Authority, for the compulsory 3C product certification (file No. CJ0604012). Dongguan TAC Science & Technology Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech company limited which is developing rapidly in the field of accreditation and the testing for electronic and electric products, itis mainly engaged i11 testing for the safety of electronic products, electromagnetism compatible design , and global accreditation and consultancy. TAC Science & Technology closely follows up the demands of customers and often providing various services; it has won a relatively high reputation in its field, and it is one of the first accreditation agents approved by China National Certification Authority, For the compulsory 3C product certification (file No. CJ0604012).
【摘要】新西兰拥有较为成熟的幼儿园教师质量保障体系。本文梳理了新西兰幼儿园教师质量保障体系形成的过程及历史沿革,并从内部和外部两个方面介绍新西兰幼儿园教师质量保障体系的相关内容。新西兰幼儿园教师质量保障体系及其建设对我国具有启示意义。  【关键词】幼儿园教师质量;保障体系;新西兰  【中图分类号】G619 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-4604(2016)11-0045-06  “教师质
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(西德)奥伯科切恩城的卡尔·蔡司工厂生产的一种新型天文相机系统f/2 AMK 46/18,具有Astro-Topar 2/460型镜头。相机焦距为463毫米,相对孔径f/2,视场角30°。赤道架可用于星