北京武术队 辉煌三十年

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白天的什刹海是黑白的、怀旧的、平民的,慵懒恬淡,有提着鸟笼的老人在河边遛弯儿;夜晚的什刹海是彩色的、时尚的、贵族的、灯火阑珊,后海周围的酒吧里笼罩着一种颓然的气氛。 然而什刹海,你尽可能地改变吧。无论白天黑夜风格怎样变幻,元论时光流转岁月如何变迁,位于什刹海西岸业余体校内的北京武术队始终无声伫立,蓦然凝视。 Shichahai during the day is black and white, nostalgic, civilians, lazy and tranquil, there are elderly people carrying a bird cage on the river walk children; the night of the Shichahai is colored, stylish, aristocratic, lights, the sea around the bar There was a slumped atmosphere However Shichahai, you try to change it. No matter how the style changes day and night, the yuan on the passage of time how changes in time, amateur sports school in Shichahai West Beijing martial arts team has been standing quietly, staring blankly.
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