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Lots of professional hockey players have recently come down with the mumps.1.“The mumps”is an illness that makes people feel tired and sometimes achy.People who get it usually look like they have a swollen face and throat area.2.它曾是一种常见的儿童疾病,but then a medicine was invented to prevent Lots of professional hockey players have recently come down with the mumps.1. “The mumps ” is an illness that makes people feel tired and sometimes achy. People who get it usually looks like they have a swollen face and throat area.2 It used to be a common childhood illness
The Smith family went camping in Yosemite National Park in northern California. They found a beautiful place near a stream, and they set up their tent and started a fire. Mr. Smith left to search for
“I do what I do.”—Kobe Bryant“The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.”—Swedish Proverb求人不如求己!——瑞典谚语Helping yourse
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评美国“新西部史学”侯文蕙一、新西部史学派的崛起1993年10月13~16日,美国西部史学会在俄克拉何马州的塔尔萨市召开第33届年会 ̄①,参加人数700以上,比上届年会多了三分之一。西部史在经历了战后
My favorite animal is lions. They’re usually live in steppe (干草原) of Africa or India. They only eat meat, so they kill other animals for eat them. They often fight with each other, they’re rude for su
It is natural that man should love beauty, for beauty brings lasting happiness. If there were no beauty on this earth, it would have been a dull place. If there were no joy in human life, it would hav