Effects of land-use changes on organic carbon in bulk soil and associated physical fractions in Chin

来源 :Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyiming1
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The Horqin Sandy Grassland is one of the most seriously desertified areas in China’s agro-pastoral ecotone due to its fragile ecology, combined with improper and unsustainable land management. We investigated organic carbon changes in bulk soil(0 to 5 cm), light fraction of soil organic matter, and soil particle-size fractions induced by land-use and cover type changes. The results indicated that total soil organic carbon(SOC) storage decreased by 121 g/m2 with the conversion of grassland into farmland for 30 years, and increased by 261 g/m2 with the conversion of grassland into plantation for 30 years. Total SOC storage decreased by 157 g/m2 as a result of severe grassland desertification due to long-term continuous livestock grazing, whereas total SOC increased by 111 g/m2 following the practice of grazing exclusion(16 years) in desertified areas. Changes in land-use and cover type also show great effects on carbon storage in soil physical fractions. The Horqin Sandy Grassland is one of the most seriously desertified areas in China’s agro-pastoral ecotone due to its fragile ecology, combined with improper and unsustainable land management. We investigated organic carbon changes in bulk soil (0 to 5 cm), light fraction of The results indicated that total soil organic carbon (SOC) storage decreased by 121 g / m2 with the conversion of grassland into a farmland for 30 years, and increased by 261 g / m2 with the conversion of grassland into plantation for 30 years. Total SOC storage decreased by 157 g / m2 as a result of severe grassland desertification due to long-term continuous livestock grazing, while total SOC increased by 111 g / m2 following the practice of grazing exclusion (16 years) in desertified areas. Changes in land-use and cover type also show great effects on carbon storage in soil physical fractions.
摘 要: 本文主要分析了达电3号炉吹灰控制系统的调节功能及该系统调节功能的改进。3号炉自投产以来, 由于设计、安装存在一些问题,导致吹灰调节系统经常出现一些故障,威胁机组的安全稳定运行。作者本着认真负责的工作态度不断地探索和实践,通过将吹灰母管压力、温度自动改为INFI-90控制,对组态自行设计和下装,将吹灰疏水温度自动改为逻辑控制等措施,成功地解决了问题,保证了机组的安全稳定运行。  关键词:
新年临近,校园里处处可见大大的舞会海报。室友小美一边咬着热乎乎的肉包子,一边问我去不去。我双手插在外衣的口袋里,看着海报上画着的火树银花,笑道:“去,当然去!”  下午上完课,回到宿舍从箱子里翻出美丽的衣服,把抽屉里的化妆品拿出来,对着一面小圆镜扑好一张粉嫩嫩的脸,画出一双黑盈盈的眼,再用眉刷扫扫眉,涂点亮亮的润唇油,就OK了。宿舍里就我一个人,坐在床边看向窗外,是美丽的蓝天白云。  而去年的今天
40000 m~3/h空分设备配套的EHNKS50/71/32型单缸、抽凝式汽轮机出现了前、后轴承振动异常且振动值无规律间断性波动的现象,汽轮机解体大修后故障排除。介绍故障分析和原因查
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