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1990年11月在东京举行的第6届国际小儿神经学会最后一次讨论会上,Stumpf 教授发表了题为“无脑儿做脏器供给者”论文,现介绍论文的内容及有关的解释。Stumpf 教授讲演的要点是,无脑儿是患了致死性畸形疾病,但生后并未立即死亡。虽然无大脑,病儿也无痛苦。目前世界上至少有25家医院把41例无脑儿做为脏器供体。无脑儿无大脑,但脑干及其下位神经系统还存在,根据无脑儿存在的全部神经反应,说明现行的脑死亡定义不适用。为了把无脑儿作为脏器供体,生后可立即采取积极维持生命的措施,这种状态直到机体死亡前脑仍未死亡。因此必须改变现行的脑死亡定义,否则把无脑儿做脏器供体是极不适当的。如果把以往的无脑儿作为例外的脏器供体来认识,我们很易陷入窘境(slipperyslope)。随着围产期 At the last seminar of the 6th International Society of Pediatric Neriology, held in Tokyo in November 1990, Professor Stumpf published a paper entitled “The Brain Totence Provider”, presenting the dissertation and related explanations. The point of Professor Stumpf’s speech is that a brainless child is suffering from a lethal deformity disease but did not die immediately after birth. Although no brain, sick children are also painless. At present, there are at least 25 hospitals in the world that treat 41 children without brain as organs for donors. No brain children without the brain, but the brain stem and its lower nervous system still exists, according to the presence of brainless children exist all the nerve reaction, indicating that the current definition of brain death does not apply. In order to no-brain children as organs for the donor, immediately after birth can take active measures to maintain life, this state until the death of the body’s forebrain has not died. Therefore, the current definition of brain death must be changed. Otherwise, it would be extremely inappropriate for the brainless child to be an organ donor. It is easy to get into the slipperyslope if we recognize the past non-brain organ as an exception. With the perinatal period
近年来,我们采用眶上-翼点-耳前人中,切除颅眶沟通性肿瘤,手术效果满意。现总结报告如下。 In recent years, we use the supraorbital - wing point - anterior ear, the
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The Annual Academic Conference of the Axchitectural Society of China for 1997 was held December 1-3 of the same year in Shanghai. Ye Rutang, ASC president and V