Application of marching cubes algorithm in visualization of mineral deposits

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jlq520
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An implementation scheme of the marching cubes (MC) algorithm was presented for the visualization of mineral deposits. The basic principles, processes and pitfalls of the MC algorithm were discussed. The asymptotic decider algorithm was employed to solve the ambiguity problem associated with the MC algorithm. The implementation scheme was applied to model and reconstruct the surfaces of mineral deposits, using the geological data obtained from an iron mine in China. Experimental results demonstrate the ability of the implementation scheme to solve the ambiguity problem, and illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the MC algorithm in the visualization of mineral deposits. The basic principles, processes and pitfalls of the MC algorithm were discussed. An asymptotic decider algorithm was employed to solve the ambiguity problem associated with the MC algorithm The implementation scheme was applied to model and reconstruct the surfaces of mineral deposits, using the geological data obtained from an iron mine in China. Experimental results demonstrate the ability of the implementation scheme to solve the ambiguity problem, and illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the MC algorithm in the visualization of mineral deposits.
我国地域辽阔、地形复杂、气候多样、江湖众多、水资源分布极不平衡。 长江、珠江、东南沿海和西南诸河,年径流量占全国82%,但耕地面积只占全国的38%,人口占全国54%。 淮河、
丹江口水利枢纽管理局认真贯彻党的教育方针,狠抓基础教育,坚持以深化教学改革为动力,以培养“四有”人才为着眼点,积极推行目标管理,全面提高教学质量。 丹管局对局属两所