T Lymphocytes and Th1/Th2 Cytokines in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Recurrent Genital Herpes

来源 :Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangxiao8910
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Objective: This study analyzed the T lymphocytes andTh1/Th2 type cytokine profile shift in the peripheral blood ofpatients with recurrent genital herpes (RGH). Methods: Immunofluorescent staining or cell surface antigenand intracellular cytokines(IL-2、IL-4、IL-12、IFN-r)inperipheral blood from 20 RGH patients and 10 controls wereanalyzed using flow cytometric techniques. Results: RGH patients had signiflcantly lower levels ofCD3~+T cells, CD4~+T cells and CD4~+ T/ CD8~+ T cells ratiocompared to control levels (P<0.001), and IL-2-producing,IFN-r-producing and IL-12-producing T cells were increasedin RGH patients (CD4~+T: P<0.001, CD8~+T: P<0.05respectively), whereas IL-4-producing T cells were increased inRGH patients compared to controls (CD4~+T: P<0.05; CD8~+T:P<0.001 respectively). Conclusions: RGH patients have T lymphocyte subsetvariations and Th1/Th2 cytokine changes. The increase in Th2cells Th1/Th2 imbalance may have important implications forRGH pathogenesis. Methods: Immunofluorescent staining or cell surface antigen and intracellular cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IL-12 , IFN-r) inperipheral blood from 20 RGH patients and 10 controls were analyzed using flow cytometric techniques. Results: RGH patients had signiflcantly lower levels of CD3 ~ + T cells, CD4 ~ + T cells and CD4 ~ + T / CD8 ~ + T cells (P <0.001), IL-2-producing, IFN-γ-producing and IL-12-producing T cells were increased in RGH patients (CD4 ~ + T: P <0.001, CD8 ~ + T: P <0.05, respectively), while IL-4-producing T cells were increased in RGH patients compared to controls (CD4 + T: P <0.05; CD8 + T: P <0.001 respectively) Th1 / Th2 cytokine changes. The increase in Th2 cells Th1 / Th2 imbalance may have important implications for RGH pathogenesis.
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