
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang8550cimc
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A theoretical scheme is presented which is based on an activation model for calculating the rate of the electron- exchange reaction between transition metal complexes in aqueous solution and applies to electron transfer system.The activation parameter and activation energy of the system are obtained via the activation model. The slopes of the potential energy surfaces (curves) of the reacting system at the separated reactants are calculated from the fitted potential energy curves. The coupling matrix element is determined by using the perturbation theory and numerical integral method. Theoretical rate constants are obtained for the system at both UHF/6- 311G and UMP2/6- 311G levels.The agreement of the theoretical results with experimetal values is excellent.This fact indicates the scheme proposed is feasible and accurate in studying the self- exchange eletron transfer reaction. A theoretical scheme is presented which is based on an activation model for calculating the rate of the electron- exchange reaction between transition metal complexes in aqueous solution and applies to electron transfer system. The activation parameter and activation energy of the system are obtained via the activation model. The slopes of the potential energy surfaces (curves) of the reacting system are the separated reactants are calculated from the fitted potential energy curves. The coupling matrix element is determined by using the perturbation theory and the numerical integral method. for the system at both UHF / 6- 311G and UMP2 / 6- 311G levels. The agreement of the theoretical results with experimental values ​​is excellent. This fact indicates the proposed proposed is feasible and accurate in studying the self- exchange eletron transfer reaction.
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透射电子显微术的研究表明 ,美国内华达州卡林金矿中环绕黄铁矿大晶体的Fe的硫化物微晶乃是白铁矿。该白铁矿含Au和As,并在其中有纳米尺度的似带状区。相对于邻区而言 ,似带