Framework of service standard system for the seismological sector and object of the standardization

来源 :China Standardization | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A312685521
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China is one of the countries suffering from the most severe earthquake disasters. The death toll from earthquakes in China is estimated to be 600,000, accounting for 1/3 of the global number. Twenty-three provincial capitals in China and two thirds of its big cities, each with a population over one million, are located at high risk areas with seismic intensity over Ⅶ degrees. The two violent earthquakes in the world during the 20th century, which both caused a death toll of over 200,000 and occurred in China. Therefore, as viewed from earthquake disaster mitigation, the seismological sector holds an important position in safeguarding national security, boosting national economic growth and protecting the life and property of people. China is one of the countries suffering from the most severe earthquake disasters. The death toll from earthquakes in China is estimated to be 600,000, accounting for 1/3 of the global number. Twenty-three provincial capitals in China and two thirds of its big cities, each with a population over one million, are located at high risk areas with seismic intensity over Ⅶ degrees. The two violent earthquakes in the world during the 20th century, which both caused a toll of over 200,000 and occurred in China. , as viewed from earthquake disaster mitigation, the seismological sector holds an important position in safeguarding national security, boosting national life growth and protecting the life and property of people.
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