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菸潛叶蛾 (卽馬鈴薯块茎蛾) 在云南普遍为害烟草。在云南南部温度較高地区,还有一种菸草瘿蛾严重为害,菸草幼茎受害后形成虫瘿或成畸形;受害烟苗往往死去。菸草瘿蛾在大田为害侧芽及菸株髓部。本文記述了这两种菸草害虫的为害性及习性。菸潛叶蛾在昆明一年发生4—5代,世代重叠;在室外温暖向阳处可終年活动,在室內飼养則以蛹过冬。菸草瘿蛾在南部建水县羊街埧,一年至少发生4代。菸潛叶蛾喜温暖干燥的气候,栽培管理与环境条件对菸草瘿蛾发生有密切关系。历年調查,在半山坡烟田,土壤干燥处, 虫害严重;苗床水分充足,土壤經常保持湿潤,則很少发生。此外,与土壤、前作都有关系。彻底处理菸草残株,消灭其越冬場所是減少或消灭这两种害虫的主要措施。菸潛叶蛾一般为害脚叶,在大田生长期打脚叶是有效措施。貫彻馬鈴薯的检疫和防治措施,也关系到菸草上为害的輕重。疫区調运种薯,特别是調至菸草种植地区,必須严格检疫。 Tobacco leaf miner (Potato tuber moth) is generally harmful to tobacco in Yunnan. In the hot areas of southern Yunnan, there is a serious damage to tobacco moths, young tobacco stalks become infected or deformities; victimized tobacco plants often die. Tobacco moth damage in the field side buds and tobacco plant marrow. This article describes the harmfulness and habits of these two tobacco pests. Tobacco leaf miner occurs 4-5 generations a year in Kunming, generation overlapping; outdoor warm in the sun can be year-round activity, indoors feeding in the pupal winter. Tobacco moth in Jianshui County, South Sheep Street, at least four generations a year. Tobacco leaf moth like warm and dry climate, cultivation management and environmental conditions are closely related to the occurrence of tobacco moth. Over the years the survey, in the semi-hillside tobacco fields, soil dry place, pests serious; seedbed adequate moisture, the soil often keep moist, rarely occurs. In addition, with the soil, the former have a relationship. Thorough treatment of tobacco stubs and their elimination of overwintering sites are the main measures to reduce or eliminate both pests. Tobacco leaf miner generally damage feet, playing in the field of leaflet is an effective measure. Carrying out the quarantine and control measures of potato also affects the severity of harm on tobacco. Dispatch of seized potato, especially transferred to tobacco growing areas, must be strictly quarantined.
记者:作为ISSA秘书长,首先您能否向中国读者介绍一下ISSA是个什么性质的组织? 霍斯金:ISSA(国际社会保障协会的英文简称)于1927年10月4日在比利时布鲁塞尔成立,当时叫“国际
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