
来源 :China Legal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:harrietgu
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Recent developments regarding the relationships between BRIC countries has created a demand for advancements in the area of research into the legal aspects of BRIC. Since 2011,jurists have undertaken research and discussions,which have already produced results,including two International Conferences on the “Legal Aspects of BRICS”( St. Petersburg 2011 and Rome 2013) . Jurists from BRICS and other countries established a dialogue in order to prove to the“polycentric world”that the BRICS group is collaborating to bring about more suitable rules. Further activities are planned to encourage research and cooperation. Recent developments regarding the relationships between BRIC countries has created a demand for advancements in the area of ​​research into the legal aspects of BRIC. Since 2011, jurists have undertaken research and discussions, which have already been produced results, including two International Conferences on the “ Legal Aspects of BRICS ”(St. Petersburg 2011 and Rome 2013). Jurists from BRICS and other countries established a dialogue in order to prove to the“ polycentric world ”that the BRICS group is collaborating to bring about more suitable rules. Further activities are planned to encourage research and cooperation.
本人一向不大喜欢看电视政论片,原因是总觉得它说教味太浓,理念性太重,而且多以至高无上的“智者”形象,居高临下地教训人,实在难以接受。 但是,看完骆嘉玺编导的电视政论片
根据江苏青年作家苏童的中篇小说《红粉世家》改编,由北京电影制片厂投资拍摄,著名女导演李少红执导的故事影片《红粉》已于三月份正式开拍。 According to Jiangsu youth