
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanqin2394
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Background and Study Aims: Sedation and monitoring practice during colonoscopy varies between centers and over time. Knowledge of current practice is needed to ensure quality of care and help focus future research. The objective of this study was to examine sedation and monitoring practice in endoscopy centers internationally. Patients and Methods: This observational study included consecutive patients referred for colonoscopy at 21 centers in 11 countries. Endoscopists reported sedation and monitoring practice, using a standard questionnaire for each patient. Results: 6004 patients were included in this study, of whom 53%received conscious/moderate sedation during colonoscopy, 30%received deep sedation, and 17%received no sedation. Sedation agents most commonly used were midazolam (47%) and opioids (33%). Pulse oximetry was done during colonoscopy in 77%of patients, blood pressure monitoring in 34%, and electrocardiography in 24%. Pulse oximetry was most commonly used for moderately sedated patients, while blood pressure monitoring and electrocardiography were used predominantly for deeply sedated patients. Sedation and monitoring use ranged from 0%to 100%between centers. Oxygen desaturation (≤85%) occurred in 5%of patients, of whom 80%were moderately sedated. On average, three staff members were involved in procedures. An anesthesiologist was present during 27%of colonoscopies, and during 85%of colonoscopies using deep sedation. Conclusions: Internationally, sedation and monitoring practice during colonoscopy varied widely. Moderate sedation was the most common sedation method used and electronic monitoring was used in three-quarters of patients. Deep sedation tended to be more resource-intensive, implying a greater use of staff and monitoring. Background and Study Aims: Sedation and monitoring practice during colonoscopy varies between centers and over time. Knowledge of current practice is needed to to ensure quality of care and help focus future research. The objective of this study was to examine sedation and monitoring practice in endoscopy centers internationally. Patients and Methods: This observational study included consecutive patients referred for colonoscopy at 21 centers in 11 countries. Endoscopists reported sedation and monitoring practice, using a standard questionnaire for each patient. Results: 6004 patients were included in this study, of whom 53 % Received conscious / moderate sedation during colonoscopy, 30% received deep sedation, and 17% received no sedation. Sedation agents most commonly used were midazolam (47%) and opioids (33%). Pulse oximetry was done during colonoscopy in 77% of patients, blood pressure monitoring in 34%, and electrocardiography in 24%. Pulse oximetry was most commonly used for moderately s edated patients, while blood pressure monitoring and electrocardiography were used predominantly for deeply sedated patients. Sedation and monitoring use ranged from 0% to 100% between centers. Oxygen desaturation (≤85%) occurred in 5% of patients, of whom 80% were On average, three staff members were involved in procedures. An anesthesiologist was present during 27% of colonoscopies, and during 85% of colonoscopies using deep sedation. Conclusions: Internationally, sedation and monitoring practice during colonoscopy varied widely. Moderate sedation was the most common sedation method used and electronic monitoring was used in three-quarters of patients. Deep sedation tended to be more resource-intensive, implying a greater use of staff and monitoring.
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【中图分类号】G623.24【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)25-0087-02  中年级学生是写作的起步阶段,是从写话到篇的过渡时期。但是由于学生的年纪小,阅历浅,在作文的过程中,往往是感到“无事可叙”“无人可写”“无景可摹”“无物可状”“无思可想”。为什么会出现这样的情况呢?主要是平时不善于积累素材,不善于观察留意生活,而导致面对作文选材时头脑中没有素材或者素材匮乏
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