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近年来,由于一直重视应用技术实践和操作,高职院校的毕业生日益成为适销对路的香饽饽。其就业率已经成功超越了除985高校以外的所有普通高校。与此同时,地方普通本科高校(尤其是新建本科高校)毕业生的就业难度却是一年甚于一年。就业成为困扰和制约这类高校发展的瓶颈。2月26日,李克强总理主持召开国务院常务会议,部署加快发展现代职业教育,其中特别强调“引导一批普通本科高校向应用技术型高校转型”。笔者以为,一些地方普通本科高校(特别是工科专业较强的高校和新建地方普通本科高校)需要审时 In recent years, graduates of higher vocational colleges have increasingly become the best-selling counterparts due to their constant emphasis on application of technology and practice. Its employment rate has surpassed all ordinary colleges except 985. At the same time, graduates of local ordinary undergraduates (especially new undergraduates) find it more difficult to obtain employment than one year. Employment has become a bottleneck troubling and restricting the development of such colleges and universities. On February 26, Premier Li Keqiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council and deployed and accelerated the development of modern vocational education, with special emphasis on “guiding a number of ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities to transform applied technology-based colleges and universities.” The author believes that some local undergraduate colleges and universities (especially strong engineering colleges and new local ordinary undergraduate colleges and universities need time trial
A broadband negative refractive index metamaterial based on a windmill-like structure is proposed, and investigated numerically and experimentally at the microw
水文及水资源 河道汇流计算方法研究·················································,··············
一、前言 1983年10月上旬与中旬汉江连续两次出现秋季大洪水,其中上旬洪水为建国以来的最大洪水,丹江口水利枢纽最大入库流量达34200秒立米,按水库未建的情况推算,坝址处最
《地图》杂志大量刊登地图与历史、地理、旅游、地名、文化、经济建设等相联系的内容 ,兼顾普及与提高 ,强调雅俗共赏、图文并茂 ,内容具有知识性、趣味性、可读性。办好《地
This paper gives a heat flow distribution map of the Qaidam Basin, which was compiled on the basis of our own 47 heat flow values. Of these 47 heat flow values