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特效化装技术是专业化装的重要技术之一,早在好莱坞影业的黑白片时代就已经应用,上世纪80年代后期开始繁荣,许多科幻题材的影片掀起了一系列高科技特效化装技术应用的高潮,令许多银幕形象深入人心,甚至成为经典形象。文章通过对特效化装技术在影视化装中实际应用的特点进行归纳,列举和分析了一些具有代表性的特效化装作品,并对这项技术在塑造影视剧中的角色形象中的作用进行阐述。 Special effects make-up technology is one of the important technology of professional equipment, as early as Hollywood film black and white film era has been applied since the late 1980s began to flourish, many science fiction movie set off a series of high-tech effects costume technology culmination, Many screen images so popular, and even become a classic image. This article summarizes the practical application of the special effects make-up technology in film and television makeup, lists and analyzes some representative special effects make-up works, and expounds the role of this technology in shaping the role image of film and television plays.
The seismotectonic environment and seismic activity in Southwest China region were studied based on new data and new results obtained during the Eighth and Nint
第 一 期序言陈铁流 (1)…………………………………………………………………………………昆仑山口西 8 1级地震主要异常及预报过程反思马文静 (2 )…………………………
20 0 2年 6月 11至 14日 ,中国地震局局长、党组书记宋瑞祥利用参加山西省防震减灾工作会议的间隙 ,到山西省大同、太原、临汾等地进行了工作调研。陪同调研的有中国地震局有
Fluid inclusions in the gold-bearing quartz veins at the Um Rus area are of three types: H-2O, H-2O-CO-2 and CO-2 inclusions. H-2O inclusions are the most abund
Instability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon-ENSO RelationsW ang Huijun (3E%) ..................................................................................
由我院承担 ,历时两年半完成的《1∶5万阴平幅、华冲幅区域地质调查》成果于 6月 2 5日在宁通过由中国地调局南京地矿所组织的专家评审 ,并获得“双优”(野外验收和最终成果
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Using the 78 focal mechanism solutions of the fore shocks, main shock and after shocks of the earthquake sequence for the Yao’an earthquake, the characteristic
The deformation pattern and Holocene slip rate along the Fukang fault in Eastern Tianshan, China are analyzed and studied using the data obtained in field inves