Dynamic thermo-mechanical coupled response of random particulate composites:A statistical two-scale

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bp0604
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This paper focuses on the dynamic thermo-mechanical coupled response of random particulate composite materials.Both the inertia term and coupling term are considered in the dynamic coupled problem. The formulation of the problem by a statistical second-order two-scale(SSOTS) analysis method and the algorithm procedure based on the finite-element difference method are presented. Numerical results of coupled cases are compared with those of uncoupled cases. It shows that the coupling effects on temperature, thermal flux, displacement, and stresses are very distinct, and the microcharacteristics of particles affect the coupling effect of the random composites. Furthermore, the coupling effect causes a lag in the variations of temperature, thermal flux, displacement, and stresses. This paper focuses on the dynamic thermo-mechanical coupled response of random particulate composite materials. Both the inertia term and coupling term are considered in the dynamic coupled problem. The formulation of the problem by a statistical second-order two-scale (SSOTS) analysis method and the algorithm procedure based on the finite-element difference method are presented. It shows that coupling effect on temperature, thermal flux, displacement, and stresses are very distinct, and the microcharacteristics of particles affect the coupling effect of the random composites. Furthermore, the coupling effect causes a lag in the variations of temperature, thermal flux, displacement, and stresses.
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