Hydrophobicity and carbonation treatment of earthen monuments in humid weather condition

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a490093469
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Water stability of soil is crucial to the durability of earthen monuments,especially those located in the humid weather condition.This paper discusses the selection reason of materials(tung oil and quicklime) for earthen monument treatment,and then validates the applicability of these materials with tests of soil-water characteristic curve(SWCC),aggregate stability test(AST) and scanning electron microscope(SEM).The soil tested was sampled from Da Bao’en temple in Nanjing,Jiangsu province,China.The test results indicate that the carbonation reaction of quicklime offers a favorable environment for the formation of tung oil film.Meanwhile,the regulatory function of tung oil restricts the crystallinity of calcium carbonate(CaCO3) and forms fine crystals.Soil treated with both of tung oil and quicklime has good water repellency and aggregate stability without obvious changing in aesthetic appearance.Hydrophobicity and carbonation treatment can be applied prospectively in the conservation of earthen monument located in humid weather condition. Water stability of soil is crucial to the durability of earthen monuments, especially those located in the humid weather condition. This paper discusses the selection reason of materials (tung oil and quicklime) for earthen monument treatment, and then validates the applicability of these materials with tests of soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC), aggregate stability test (AST) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The soil tested was sampled from Da Bao’en temple in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China. The test results indicate that the the carbonation reaction of quicklime offers a favorable environment for the formation of tung oil film.Meanwhile, the regulatory function of tung oil restricts the crystallinity of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and forms fine crystals.Soil treated with both of tung oil and quicklime has good water repellency and aggregate stability without obvious changing in aesthetic appearance. Hydrophobicity and carbonation treatment can be applied prospectively in the conservation o f earthen monument located in humid weather condition.
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