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新梢展叶后至开花前主要防治黑痘病和黄叶病。一、对于黑提、红提等易感染黑痘病的葡萄品种,应喷1次78%科博可湿性粉剂600倍波。二、对黄叶病可叶面喷洒硫酸亚铁200倍液,隔10天再喷1次。开花期至落花后主要防治穗轴褐枯病、黑痘病、炭疽病、毛毡病(螨害)、绿盲蝽等。一、喷施80%喷克可湿性粉剂600倍液,隔10天再喷50%扑海因可湿性粉剂1000倍液。上述杀菌剂中可加入比久(B_9)500倍液,促进穗轴木质化,以增强抗病性。二、新梢伸长15厘米 After the shoot tip to flowering before the main prevention of acne and yellow leaf disease. First, black extract, red extract and other susceptible to acne disease grape varieties should be sprayed 78% Ke Bo WP 600 times wave. Second, the yellow leaf foliar spray foliar sulfate ferrous sulfate 200 times, spray 10 times every 10 days. Flowering to fall after the main prevention of rotten brown rot, acne disease, anthracnose, Felis disease (mite damage), green blind bugs and so on. First, Spray 80% Spray grams of wettable powder 600 times, spray 50% of Puhuo for 10 days and 1000 times the wettable powder. The fungicide can be added for a long time (B_9) 500 times the liquid to promote cob lignification, to enhance disease resistance. Second, the tip shoot extension of 15 cm
  First, We review the main results of the Camassa-Holm equation, Camassa-Holm hierarchy, generalized Camassa-Holm equation, Two component Camassa-Holm equati
  Our recent progress in mathematical analysis and computation of time harmonic Maxwells equations in complicated media will be discussed.For the direct probl
1 用右手的拇指和食指握住镊子,靠中指的推动来控制镊子的开合。2 用左手轻轻拿起选好的花蕾。花蕾的基部要稳于平行的拇指和食指间。花蕾在指间不能转动,避免果节受损。2.1
  Bats were recently identified as natural reservoirs ot SARS-like coronavirus (SL-CoV) or SARS coronavirus-like virus.These viruses, together with SARS coron
目的 研讨早期防治心脑血管疾病采用中西医联合调脂治疗的效果.方法 将2017年1月——2019年12月期间本院接诊的368例心脑血管疾病高危人群病人作为对象,依据治疗方案的差异将