Having an Enjoyable Tour in Sanya

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  The Atlantis Sanya was recently opened in 2018, making it a fantastic choice for tourists in Sanya. The Atlantis Sanya is located approximately 35km from Sanya Railway Station and 43km from Sanya Phoenix International Airport. In spare time, guests can explore the hotel’s surroundings. A pickup service can be arranged for guests upon request. Free in-room Wi-Fi is available. This Sanya hotel offers free parking lot. Germaphobes can rest easy since the level of cleanliness is highly rated at this hotel. Atlantis Sanya is particularly popular with those traveling with families.
  Rest and dine in Sanya
  Whether travelling for business or pleasure, you can book Atlantis Sanya to make your stay extra special with exclusive benefits. Whether you’re alone looking for the ultimate fun-in-the-sun holiday or in couples seeking secluded relaxation, Atlantis Sanya has the right suites for you. Love the ocean? Try to enjoy spectacular views of the South China Sea and the National Coast of Haitang Bay. For those searching to experience the magic of the suites and a wake up sight of uninterrupted views of 86,000 marine animals, they can have their need met in the Poseidon Underwater Suite. For those who seek heavenly luxury, the opulence of the lavish Imperial Suite might be indulging to them. If you book any of these suites in this 5-star hotel, it will leave you an unforgettable memory.
  Don’t miss the high-rank dining at Ossiano, their award-winning underwater restaurant & Bar. You can dine on exquisite seafood dishes as you watch 86,000 marine animals swim past your table in this breathtaking underwater restaurant. Other featured restaurants also offer a wide range of cuisines and dining styles, including modern Chinese food at Tang, Japanese sushi and teppanyaki at Netsu, Singaporean seafood at Crab Kitchen, craft beers and German snacks at Nereus Brewery, fruity cocktails and Cuban tunes at Tikki Lounge & Bar, and the Asians’ and the Westerns’ favourites at Saffron and Kaleidoscope buffet restaurants.
  A perfect day
  Remember to embark on an adventure into the mysterious world of Atlantis, where top-class accommodation meets thrilling ridesand mesmerize spa retreats meet sun-basked beaches. 86,000 marine animals welcome you to experience the holiday of a lifetime. Walking into Atlantis Sanya with your friends, family or the loved-one can create precious memories you’ll look back later in life.
  If you want to have a fun day with your family, you can discover the best family activities at Atlantis Sanya. Exhilarating rides is available at Aquaventure Waterpark, where the thrill-seekers can make a splashDon't forget to explore the underwater realms of The Lost Chambers Aquarium where animal lovers can get along closely and personally with the dolphins and sea lions. Open year-round, Aquaventure offers extra-rare fun for the whole family. Get your adrenaline pumping with their gravity-defying waterslides that delight and excite at the same time, or explore the park’s fast-moving waterways and the mysterious underwater rivers and tunnels, you will have an enjoyable day here. If you feel really tired, why not slide into the opulent AHAVA Spa, where candlelit corridors invite you to a tranquil haven. Leave your stress at the door as you bury yourself in a good variety of spa treatments designed to pamper the body and nourish your mind. In their high-tech fitness gym, maintain your exercise routine while on holiday, or try an energising course for added vitality. Then, pay a visit the AHAVA Salon, where the expert stylists will make you look and feel like a better-self as you leave.
说起独竹漂,人们首先想到的是赤水河上,那个一袭白衣、翩然起舞的贵州女孩杨柳。而在广西河池,也有着这样一支独竹漂队伍,那些龙江河上的体育少年,脚踩独竹,演绎着犹如武林世界里的“水上漂”独门绝技,也讲述着自己与这门国家级非遗的青春故事。  独竹从赤水河漂往龙江河  秋风乍起,河池龙江河畔随着枯水期的到来,怪石渐渐隐现,河池学院独竹漂队的队员们要在枯水期来临之前抓紧练习独竹竞速。平静的水面上,数十位队员
立秋一过,七月流火。再过了寒露,“秋老虎”终于渐渐蔫了。这时候的秋天才真真正正在中国南北大地立稳了脚跟。秋天是豐收的季节,那些独属这个季节的时令美食:甜甜的桂花糕,肥美的大闸蟹,还有那圆滚滚的柚子、裂开肚皮的糖炒板栗、可圆可扁的柿子……让秋天多了一种实实在在的熨帖感。这大体是因为,填饱了肠胃,也慰藉了灵魂吧。  南方的柚子,浑身是宝  柚子并不适合在北方栽种,多在广东、广西、福建、浙江、四川等地广
石塘,地处东海之滨,背靠大山,半个岛屿深入海洋,悬崖峭壁上的七彩渔村像极了童话世界里的城堡,掩映在深海和山林中的石屋,顺着山势蜿蜒盘旋,绵延不绝。中国陆域新千年的第一缕曙光曾在石塘升起,千百年的古老渔村,在山海之间,述说着新的故事。  小箬村:七彩的童话世界  小箬村,是浙江温岭市石塘镇的一个小渔村,位于石塘西南角,藏在峭壁与大海之间,半山半海,屋舍俨然,五彩缤纷的七彩楼房层层叠叠依山而建,错落有
一座城市的味道,尽在时光里。在闽南古镇信步闲游,处处邂逅明清遗风,青石铺就的小街,红砖红瓦的大厝,不厌其烦的工夫茶,耳边不时萦绕着缠绵悱恻的闽南歌和咿咿呀呀的歌仔戏,都在诉说着渐渐斑驳的往事。  逛得累了,饿了,要找家食肆填饱肚子,怎么能少得了当地美食呢?不懂不要紧,叫来服务员,绕口令般报出菜单:面线糊、沙茶面、润饼菜、海蛎煎、姜母鸭、花生汤、土笋冻……  初遇土笋冻  闽台两地饮食起居几无差别,
白色棉布被绷紧躺在竹子架上,蜂蜡跳进了铜制容器内,底下的小火炉燃起的火焰,让蜂蜡与火热撞个满怀,装满蜡液的尖嘴小壶行云流水,浓淡两相宜,在布上画了个江湖,画好的棉布迫不及待跳进染缸里,经沸水的冲刷,或深或浅的几何图纹渐渐隐现,印尼巴迪克(Batik)就此诞生。  在印尼,每至星期五,印尼人必会穿上色彩明艳的传统服饰——巴迪克,周五便是印尼的“巴迪克日”。“一方水土养一方人,一方人民着一方衣”,巴迪
Maguhu, literally meaning horse bone instrument, is another stringed instrument of the Zhuang people. It gets the name because its sound box is made from the femur bone of a horse. The Zhuang people a
晒秋,可以说是独属中国的独特文化景观。立秋刚过,全国各地进入晒秋季节。  江西婺源的篁岭村,被称为“挂在山崖上的古村”,这里地无三尺平,自然条件的局限却激发了先民的想象和创造力,从而在无意间造就了一处中国绝无仅有的“晒秋人家”风情画。2014年, 篁岭晒秋被文化部评为“最美中国符号”。 有人说,婺源的景色分两季,春季和秋季。如果错过了春天的油菜花,千万不能再错过秋天的晒秋。  摄影:文心雕龙  拍
占巴塞是湄公河在老挝的最后一站,湄公河在占巴塞留下了许多故事。作为老挝下寮大省,占巴塞被誉为老挝的“上海”,但繁华并非她的本色。在占巴塞,坐在巴色河滨上喝喝老挝啤酒,步入瓦普寺聆听历史的回响,向波罗芬高原进发,最后随着湄公河的远远流去,于四千岛告别老挝。  巴色,  湄公河给予的答案  占巴塞省的首府巴色,像是一架织机,来来往往的人在这片大地上如梭穿行,谱写着自己与巴色的故事。  占巴塞亲王文翁在
美里,隐藏在马来西亚砂拉越州北部的热带雨林城市,曾与亚马逊丛林并称为地球的左右两片肺叶。穿越热带雨林,探险地下洞穴秘境,看一场浪漫而梦幻的蓝眼泪奇观;潜下深海,探索尘封海底的沉船;远离城市的喧嚣,在美里开启一场原生态的自然之旅。  在姆鲁,探秘洞穴和丛林  美里和林梦的交界处,隐藏着一处原始森林,是砂拉越森林腹地里的一颗明珠,距离美里不过百余公里。姆鲁山国家公园(Gunung Mulu Natio
从地理面积来说,新加坡是一个小国,自身生产能源的能力非常有限,但同时,因社会经济发达,能耗巨大,所以“零能耗”建筑的理念和方案一出现,立刻引起了新加坡政府的注意,并迅速将其付诸实践,大力推动。  顾名思义,“零能耗”建筑,即能源可以自给自足的建筑。一般指在实现低耗能的基础上,补充太阳能、风能和浅层地能等可再生能源,达到节约或者不用传统化石能源的目的。  目前,国际通行的“零能耗”建筑,主要是指通过