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  Ladies and gentlemen,
  “What would you do if you had only one day left to live?”
  I asked this question to my young students when teaching English this winter break. So, what were their answers?
  “I would watch television!” the first one.
  “I would play with the computer!” the second one.
  “I would play with the computer, too.” The girl
  finished her sentence perfectly with a serious smile. Indeed, how cute and innocent that smile was, but how seriously my heart was hurt. I was just too frightened to keep listening to more answers like that.
  Ten years ago, at their age, I had a different
  answer. I said I would spend the last day of my life gazing at the face of my dear grandmother until I could inscribe[记下] every detail of it onto my mind.
  When my grandmother was getting old and weak, my family bought her a telephone so I could make telephone calls saving both time and the trouble of traveling to her home. Later my family bought her a television so she could watch modern dramas all by herself. Then grandmother must have been, we assumed, very contented[满足的] and happy.
  But I never really knew how grandmother felt. She silently passed away one night without a word. When I heard about her death, a chilling pain pierced[刺穿] my empty heart. And the pain grew even sharper as I tried to remember in detail exactly
  how grandmother looked, but I failed completely. How could I remember? I had not visited her for ages! My memories of her just dissolved[消散] into thin air and leaked away like water.
  So, even though I have a telephone, can she hear me now?
  Even though I might be on television, can she still see me now?
  Even though I have modern telecommu-nications, can she still communicate with me now?
  With all these “teles,” I was powerless.
  Don’t people just love the word T-E-L-E of “tele,” which means far away? Indeed this is how modern technology has changed our world. But please do not forget this other “tele” word: telepathy[心灵感应], by which I mean human beings’ innate[天生的] ability to connect to our loved ones. Our minds are supposed to read each other’s minds; our hearts are supposed to feel each other’s hearts – and do this without any forms of tool[s]!
  But the moment I desperately struggled to remember my grandmother’s face, the telepathy between her and me had gone forever. With the help of modern technology, I killed our telepathy.
  But this shall never happen again!
  Indeed the “teles” are great inventions. But telepathy gives them the warmth of a
  human face. Let’s harness[利用自然力产生能源] the power of television to develop our kids’ telepathy with nature, so that they can still read the secret languages of flowers! Let’s
  make telephone lines provoke[激起] our telepathy with each other, so we still connect in a warm and feeling way! Let modern technology keep our telepathy alive!
  I told my grandmother’s story to the young kids that day. And they got very, very quiet. Then they asked me for [a] second chance to answer the question. I knew they had come to a new understanding – and that very moment they had made to me and to our future together, a dear promise.
  Thank you very much!
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