尽心为百姓 尽力保平安——记临湘市源潭镇司法所所长兼镇调委会主任陈瑛

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长江沿岸,黄盖湖畔的一个小镇,有这样一位平凡的人,放下轻车熟路的统计工作不干,甘愿在基层人民调解工作岗位上默默奉献,无怨无悔,兢兢业业。他,就是湖南省临湘市源潭镇司法所所长兼镇调委会主任陈瑛。多年来,他一直恪守为民之责,做到一心一意为民 Along the coast of the Yangtze River, a small town on the Huanggai Lake has such an ordinary person. Letting down the statistical work done by the well-traveled roads, it is willing to silently offer dedication and mediocrity to grassroots people in mediating their jobs. He is Chen Ying, Director of the Justice Department and Town Commission of Yuantan Town, Linxiang City, Hunan Province. Over the years, he has always abide by the responsibility of the people, so wholeheartedly for the people
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