A complete and accurate surface-potential based large-signal model for compound semiconductor HEMTs

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ecfan1
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A complete and accurate surface potential based large-signal model for compound semiconductor HEMTs is presented. A surface potential equation resembling the one used in conventional MOSFET models is achieved. The analytic solutions from the traditional surface potential theory that developed in MOSFET models are inherited. For core model derivation, a novel method is used to realize a direct application of the standard surfacepotentialmodelofMOSFETsforHEMTmodeling,withoutbreakingthemathematicstructure.Thehigh-order derivatives of I–V /C–V remain continuous, making the model suitable for RF large-signal applications. Furthermore, the self-heating effects and the transconductance dispersion are also modelled. The model has been verified through comparison with measured DC IV, Gummel symmetry test, CV, minimum noise figure, small-signal Sparameters up to 66 GHz and single-tone input power sweep at 29 GHz for a 475 m0.1 m InGaAs/GaAs power pHEMT, fabricated at a commercial foundry. A complete and accurate surface potential based large-signal model for compound semiconductor HEMTs is presented. A surface potential equation resembling the one used in conventional MOSFET models is achieved. The analytic solutions from the traditional surface potential theory that developed in MOSFET models are inherited. For core model derivation, a novel method is used to realize a direct application of the standard surface potential model ofOFMOSFETs forHEMTmodeling, withoutbreakinghemathematicstructure.Thehigh-order derivatives of I-V / C-Vresiduals. The self-heating effects and the transconductance dispersion are also modeled. The model has been verified through comparison with measured DC IV, Gummel symmetry test, CV, minimum noise figure, small-signal Sparameters up to 66 GHz and single-tone input power sweep at 29 GHz for a 475 m0.1 m InGaAs / GaAs power pHEMT, fabricated at a commercial foundry.
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