杨百万 做一天和尚撞一天钟

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杨百万的名字和他的发家故事,许多人都已耳熟能详,但在中国普通百姓的投资理财史上,杨百万依然是绕不过去的一块里程碑。1988年上海放开国债交易的时候,杨怀定就靠倒腾异地差价掘到了第一桶金,中国成立证券交易市场,初尝金融投资甜头的他又一头扎进了股市,成为中国最早的股民之一。中国股市沉浮十年,有人一夜暴富,有人倾家荡产,杨百万倒是稳稳当当地过来了,越来越气定神闲,越来越心宽体胖。他不无得意地告诉你,不管股市整体的行情如何,每波行情他都未亏过,这几年股市低迷,但他照样有钱赚。2003年底,上海证券协会联谊会授予他“股市不倒翁”称号。老翁今年55,抱孙子的年纪了,孙子大名“杨线”(阳线),小名“涨停板”。痴迷股市的杨怀定开始畅想晚年了,晚年并无悬念,做一天和尚撞一天钟,活着一天就看一天盘,他甚至开玩笑说,死了以后,骨灰也要撒到上海证券交易市场的大门口。 Young’s name and his fortune story, many people are familiar with, but in the history of ordinary people in China’s investment banking, Yang million is still a milestone in the past. When Shanghai debuted the government bond trade in 1988, Yang Huading drove to the pot of gold by relocating in a different location. China established a stock exchange market. He started to plunge into the stock market after he first tasted the financial investment. He became one of the earliest investors in China . Chinese stock market ups and downs for ten years, some people become rich overnight, some people go bankrupt, Yang Million but steady come and go, more and more calm, more and more heart and fat body fat. He is not without the slightest intention to tell you that he has not lost money on every wave of the market, regardless of the stock market as a whole. By the end of 2003, the Shanghai Securities Association Association awarded him “stock market tumbler ” title. 55 years old man, grandson of the grandchildren, grandchildren “Yang line ” (Yang Xian), nickname “daily limit ”. Yang Huai-seng, who became obsessed with the stock market, began to entertain Imagination in his later years. There was no suspense in his later years. After one day the monk hit a day and lived for one day, he even joked that ashes had to be dusted into the gate of the Shanghai stock exchange.
本文为丁湖广同志为本刊撰写的专稿,以答复我省读者对他的询问。 This article is written by Zhuguang Ding comrades Zhuangao, in order to answer my province readers
深谷、激流、蓝天、桥洞,以闪电般的速度来回晃动,那是什么样的滋味与乐趣,我就不得而知了。因为这除了勇敢以外,还必须有可靠的装备和技巧。 Deep valleys, rapids, blue s
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