借鉴西方经验 管好国有经济

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在西方市场经济国家的各种所有制形式中,国有经济或国有资产的管理问题特别值得我们研究。衡量西方国有经济份额,我认为,可以用三个不同的指标。一是在积累的社会财富中,包括上地、森林、房屋、建筑、各种经济和社会基础设施、机器设备等,国家所占的份额。这一指标一般较高。美国20%,德国18%。二是在日常的国民经济运转中,例如年度产值、销售、就业、投资等,国家所占的份额。这一指标一般比第一个指标低,日本、美国为5—10%,德国为10—20%,法国国有企业的总产值占GDP的18%,它们的投资占全国投资总额的25%。三是在工业部门中国家所占的份额。这一指标一般比第二个指标更低,美国为1%,德国4—5%;但西欧国家中有些达到20%,极个别甚至为30%。总的来说,国有经济一般都在20%以下。这一数值不是凭空而来的,它反映了在当代社会经济条件下,在现代科技水平下,西方市场经济国家对国有经济的实际需要程度。 In the various forms of ownership of the countries with market economies in the West, the management of state-owned economy or state-owned assets is particularly worth our study. Measuring the share of Western state-owned economy, I think, can use three different indicators. First, in the accumulation of social wealth, including land, forests, houses, buildings, various economic and social infrastructure, machinery and equipment, etc., the share of the country. This indicator is generally higher. 20% in the United States and 18% in Germany. Second, in the daily operation of the national economy, such as the annual output value, sales, employment, investment, the share of the country. This indicator is generally lower than the first one, 5-10% in Japan and the United States and 10-20% in Germany. The total output value of French state-owned enterprises accounts for 18% of GDP and their investment accounts for 25% of the total national investment. Third, the share of countries in the industrial sector. This indicator is generally lower than the second indicator: 1% in the United States and 4-5% in Germany; however, some of the countries in Western Europe achieve 20% or even 30%. In general, the state-owned economy is generally below 20%. This figure does not come from nothing. It reflects the actual needs of the western market economy countries for the state-owned economy under the conditions of modern science and technology under the conditions of contemporary socio-economic conditions.
我们研制了一种新型夹具——弱磁力夹具(图1)。这种夹具比普通夹具具有多种优越性。当永久磁铁的位置如图1A所示,磁力线经过磁靴左右两部分闭合,对外不显示磁 We developed
一、找到一个具象 我的一位黑龙江画家朋友说:“一过长城,我就不会画画了!”我能理解他这种感情。我是在东北边疆长大的,心底对北方民族性格怀有一种天然的热爱。当我终于有