
来源 :地壳构造与地壳应力 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kornnay
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为能在全世界范围快速稳定地评估地震建筑物破坏情况,文章应用装载于ALOS卫星上的L波段相控阵列合成孔径雷达(PALSAR)提出了一个建筑物破坏估计模型,模型整合了星载SAR影像的应用与日本气象厅的分级地震烈度数据。为将现有的基于C波段SAR影像的破坏评估模型发展成基于L波段SAR影像的模型,本文首先以1995年阪神地震的日本资源卫星1号(JERS-1)的L波段SAR影像数据以及真实细致的地面调查数据为基础,重新构建了严重破坏比率的似然函数。然后将整合了以地震烈度为自变量的脆性函数和本文提出的似然函数的模型应用于2007年秘鲁皮斯科地震受灾区域的PALSAR影像。最后,通过与地面调查数据和高分辨率卫星影像的对比对破坏评估模型的准确程度进行检验。 In order to quickly and stably evaluate the damage of seismic buildings around the world, an L-band Phased Array Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) mounted on the ALOS satellite is proposed to estimate the building damage. The model integrates the spaceborne SAR Application of images and graded seismic intensity data of Japan Meteorological Agency. In order to develop the existing damage assessment model based on C-band SAR images into a model based on L-band SAR images, this paper firstly analyzes the L-band SAR image data of JERS-1 of 1995 Hanshin earthquake and the real Based on detailed ground survey data, we reconstructed the likelihood function of the serious damage ratio. Then, the model incorporating the brittleness function with the earthquake intensity as independent variable and the likelihood function proposed in this paper is applied to the PALSAR image of the 2007 Pisco Earthquake in Peru. Finally, the accuracy of the damage assessment model was tested by comparison with surface survey data and high-resolution satellite imagery.
1    八月,滨州依旧热浪滚滚。高小莲一边擦汗,一边看着手中的地图。使劲儿默记着那个地址,拉着旅行箱出了站台。按说,这都已经是第六次来了,况且还一直自称是滨州通,应该不再需要地图了,但是,自己又确实没有注意过这个地方,她觉得自己有点好笑。  “大爷,您好!周明今天上班吗?”高小莲恢复了常有的自信。  “谁?没听说过。”门卫师傅眼睛都没抬一下。  “大爷,您热了吧,给,这是我刚买的饮料。周明,就是
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