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党的十八届二中全会审议通过了《国务院机构改革和职能转变方案(草案)》,把转变职能放在更加突出位置,在向市场放权、向社会放权、向地方放权方面迈出了重要步伐。这透露出本轮改革的方向和重点将与以往历次改革明显不同,即改革的内涵更为丰富,不再局限于机构的调整,而重在突出职能转变。可以说,这抓住了行政体制改革的实质和要害,对于充分激发市场和社会发展活力,进一步释放改革红利起到了重要的推动作用。 The Second Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee examined and passed the “Draft Plan for the Structural Reform and Functional Transformation of the State Council (Draft)”, placing the transformation of functions in a more prominent position and taking important roles in delegating power to the market, delegating power to the community and delegating power to local authorities pace. This shows that the direction and emphasis of the current round of reforms will be significantly different from the previous reforms. That is, the content of the reform is richer and will not be confined to the adjustment of institutions. Instead, it focuses on highlighting the transformation of functions. It can be said that this has grasped the essence and key points of the administrative system reform and played an important catalytic role in fully stimulating the vitality of the market and social development and further releasing the reform bonus.
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近年来,国内外在高温热敏电阻的研究中不断取得进展。为使这种电阻具有高稳定性与高可靠性以及广泛的使用温区和大的 B值,除了改进原有材料的性能外,同时还在寻求新型材料。
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14—1 举出三条焊接残余应力的有害影响。14—2 如图所示,在焊脚为7毫米的角焊时, 为使焊件能承受最大为15吨的拉伸载荷,焊缝有效长度需多少(许用剪应力 14-1 cites the ad
目的:研究FHL1蛋白在胸主动脉瘤发病机制中的作用。方法:利用Western Blotting分析胸主动脉瘤患者与正常人主动脉组织中FHL1蛋白表达的情况,利用免疫组织化学检测FHL1蛋白在