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朱镕基副总理最近又谈到“三角债”问题,他说:现在的债务拖欠有新特点,与1991年清三角债时的情况完全不一样。现在的企业乱涨价,相互拒付货款,产品又积压,把流动资金挪用去搞新项目,没钱就拖欠别人,结算纪律松弛比1991年严重得多,都不认帐,乱套了。确实,企业互相拖欠,也是互相拖垮,不少国有企业已资不抵债,成了空壳。目前,国有资产负债率已达74.3%(据《经济日报》,1994年11月15日),加上呆帐,目前已达85%,远远超过50%的临界点。1995年中央财政不得已再发行1520多亿元内债,国内外债务还本付息支出达860亿元(据《1995年中央及地方预算草案报告》,《人民日报》,1995年3月21日)。无(?)讳言,我们正面临着严重的债务危机。要摆脱这种不良局面,就必须剪断债务链,对扭亏无望的企业坚决破产。虽然“破产”本身不能从根本上解决企业亏损、债务和国家财政负担等问题,但“破产”却成为一个矛盾焦点,是深化改革要解决的一个重要问题。然而,我们又遇到了“破产难”的问题。我以为,劳动股改革设计的框架内,有可能较好地解决“破产难”的问题。 Vice Premier Zhu Rongji recently talked about the issue of “triangular debt,” and he said that the current debt default has new features, which are completely different from those of the 1991 Qing Delta debt. The current enterprises are chaosing prices, mutual refusal to pay for goods, and a backlog of products, diverting current funds to engage in new projects. If no money is owed to others, settlement discipline is much more severe than in 1991, and no accounts are accepted. Indeed, companies defaulting on each other are also dragging on each other. Many state-owned enterprises have become insolvent and become empty shells. At present, the state-owned asset-liability ratio has reached 74.3% (according to “Economic Daily”, November 15, 1994), and with bad debts, it has now reached 85%, far exceeding the tipping point of 50%. In 1995, the central government had no choice but to issue more than 152 billion yuan in domestic debt, and domestic and foreign debt service expenditures reached 86 billion yuan (according to the “1995 Central and Local Budget Draft Report” and “People’s Daily”, March 21, 1995). . Without (?) rumors, we are facing a serious debt crisis. To get out of this bad situation, it is necessary to cut off the debt chain and resolutely bankrupt the companies that have no hope of turning their backs. Although “bankruptcy” cannot fundamentally solve problems such as corporate losses, debts, and state fiscal burdens, “bankruptcy” has become a focus of contradiction and an important issue to be solved in deepening reforms. However, we also encountered the problem of “bankruptcy.” In my opinion, within the framework of the reform of the labor stock reform, it is possible to better solve the problem of “bankruptcy”.
日前,余姚市电动工具行业协会举行第四届会员大会。会上,宁波天邦实达工具有限公司总经理郭建鸿当选为新一届余姚市电动工具行业协会会长,陈民元为常务副会长,陈勇等 Recent
一、早恋产生的原因1.中学生生理和心理普遍早熟,而道德观念尚不成熟,并且自控能力很差,因此一旦受外界因素影响,就很容易发生早恋。2.中学生对爱情内涵的全部内容缺 First,