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自古以来,凡是有利益的地方,就有竞争。竞争虽然有时会带给人们浪费、混乱甚至血腥,但没有竞争,社会就没有进步。公元前480年,时值第二次希波战争,当时的希腊由诸多城邦组成,雅典和斯巴达是其中最强大的两个城邦。但因为他们并不团结,最终被薛西斯统帅的波斯大军攻占了雅典。然而当时的雅典已经是一座毫无战略意义的空城,所以在接下来的萨拉米海战中败给希腊军之后,波斯人便撤出了雅典,从此他们也失去了征服西方文明的机会。此后的希腊再度形成雅典和斯巴达两虎相争的格局,一争便是150年,直到马其顿王国兴起并征服希腊、消灭波斯为止。然而就在这150年的时间里,雅典人和斯巴达人的竞争也渐趋白热化,他们为了壮大自己的势力,不断培养出大批学者,在数学、科学和哲学领域都取得了突破性进展,而这些成就也奠定了现代科学的基础。试想,如果当初希腊因为战争而统一,那么当今社会的科技水平也许就该倒退数百年了。本赛季竞争看点NBA的壮大发展其实与竞争密切相关,想想看,一支球队存在着许多世界级球员,他们在相互配合与竞争中又将对年轻一代球员产生多么大的影响。在一支球队中,最常见的竞争就是球员之间关于首发位置的争夺,下面列出的就是本赛季竞争最激烈的十个位置,可以说,这些球队的最终战绩如何,与谁能在这十大竞争中脱颖而出是有着莫大关联的。 Since ancient times, where there are interests, there is competition. Although competition sometimes causes people to be wasted, confused or even bloody, there is no competition and no progress in society. In 480 BC, the time was the second Greek war, when Greece consisted of many city-states, and Athens and Sparta were the two most powerful cities. But because they were not united, the Persian army, eventually led by Xerxes, captured Athens. Athens, however, was already a strategically empty city, so after the subsequent defeat of the Greek army in the Salami naval battle, the Persians withdrawn from Athens and from then they lost the opportunity to conquer the Western civilization. Since then Greece once again formed a pattern of Athens and Sparta two tigers, one battle is 150 years until the rise of Macedonia and conquer Greece, the Persian era. However, in these 150 years, the competition between the Athenians and the Spartans has also been intensified. In order to strengthen their own power, they have continuously cultivated a large number of scholars and made breakthrough breakthroughs in mathematics, science and philosophy These achievements have laid the foundations of modern science. Imagine, if the original Greece because of the war and unified, then the level of science and technology in today’s society may have to go back hundreds of years. The Competition Aspect NBA growth is actually closely related to competition, think about it, there is a team of many world-class players, and their mutual cooperation and competition in turn will have a younger generation of players how much impact. In a team, the most common competition is the player between the starting position for the competition, the list below is the most competitive ten of the season’s position, we can say that these teams final record, and who can In the top ten competition come to the fore there is a great association.
在2004年陕西省第四届老年联欢节门球小组赛的一场关键比赛中,胜者小组出线,负者无缘决赛。比赛时间还有1分30秒,比分是11:9红方领先。场上态势如图: 轮及①球起杆,①球距靠
比赛进行到紧后一杆的收杆球,转败为胜的战例屡见不鲜。打好收杆球,既有指挥员的足智多谋、精心妙算;又有击球员的球技精湛, 勇于拼搏,也是在时地利诸多条件的巧合,更是指挥
笔者近日拜读了刘化刚先生的“会计邮票”和“电报邮票”一文后,觉其文有误。(《集邮博览》2005年4期P12,下简称“刘文”) 其一,“刘文”依据翟宽先生编著的《中国集邮辞典》
Among the Mesozoic formations the most developed and widespread in China, especially in northern China, is a great series which contains various rocks of volca