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对16例19个大肠病变行EMR,经病理检查证实早期原位癌2例,腺瘤9例,粘膜赘生2例,息肉合并轻一中度不典型增生5例,重度不典型增生1例。结合结果及操作体会.对EMR操作的注意事项,治疗大肠早期癌及癌前病变的指征和价值作了探讨。 EMR was performed in 16 cases of 19 large intestine lesions. Pathological examination confirmed 2 cases of early carcinoma in situ, 9 cases of adenoma, 2 cases of mucosal dysplasia, 5 cases of polytypical dysplasia with mild to moderate dysplasia, and 1 case of severe dysplasia. . Combine results and experience. Attention was paid to the precautions of EMR operation and the indications and values ​​for the treatment of early colorectal cancer and precancerous lesions.
本文针对5号高炉原料称量系统应用工业控制机PC984-B的前后情况,分析了称量系统产生误差的原因,很好地解决了电子称量不准确的毛病,为高炉定量添料提供了物质手段。 In this
1 前言西钢炼铁厂现有两座100m~3高炉,近几年炼铁厂通过强化内部管理、改善高炉操作、加强设备维护,使生铁产量1997年达到166669t,利用系数为2.380t/m~3·d,取得了较为明显
1.GENERAL DESCRIPTION1.1 RESOURCESChina is a country with rich molybdenumresources.There are 65 deposits withproven metal content over 10,000 tonseach,accounti
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China produced 74.2 tons of gold in thefirst half of this year,up by 23.8 per centyear-on-year.Gold output was 166.3 tons last year andthis year’s output is e
“巨人”、“三株”、“沈阳飞龙”等中国保健品何以“短命”?从心理学分析看,主要原因在于—— “Giant”, “three”, “Shenyang dragon” and other Chinese health produ